its been long since i bloged. hrrm.. have been busy for the past few days. haha.. so yeah. some updates here. i watched 2 movies.

good movie that i recomend all to wathc! yes! i love how they make use of technology. and in this story, i shall say, love save the world. hahahaha. th other movie is:

cute cute seh the character and funny. hahhaha.. must watch must watch! hahhaha
ok nothing much to update already.
Human Change :D
its sunday today! woke up at 7 but went back to sleep. woke up properly only at 10 am. well, did not have anything to do. play with pictures and did some window shoping online. new stuffs. saw this pair of shoes! cool la sia... and not that ex. 67 ponds? ok pe! hahha boots actually. i still own myself a pair of shoes. hahaha....slack at home alot but was silent all the day. no need to knoe why. haha. and ya! someone design a blogskin for me. dont as who again, hahaha.. HAVE to say its nice and HAVE to use. so its up there. hahahah... lols. sorry if i dunn mean it sincerely. come on la! it looks so .... nvm! hahahaha
only made a move at about 5 pm. went out and headed for work. like i said. i enjoy being in esplanade. i will miss it soon. because nexweek i'll be back only like 3 times? walau.. hrrm. never mind. hahha. finish work early today. went to parkway to meet up friends. lepak there. did some stupid stuffs. hahah go google "LUSH" and u'll find us. hahahha.. gerek kapeer~
haha.. u never change. hey, its not the first time this is happening. do you think only you can play this alone? if one can play this game, i am also able to play this game. just think of what you have been doing and what you are about to do. lies! lie all the way! go. i don't mind. at the end of the day, i am nobody to you.
you regretted on what you did last few months. its no surprise if tomorrow you end everything. and as for me, i shall be on the loosing end, but who cares! if you think things have changed, so be it. lead your own life then. there is no need to slowly washing hands off. come straight to my face and tell me of. i have been waiting for that! do you knoe how much it hurts not?! what makes it worst is that, the reason behind all this is because of that bastard! fine! that minute, i will wash my hands off immediately! trust me! i will.
people change ok! people change. i have been leading my own life all this while, ur position, there can always be a replacement. so whats the point of pondering over this right. well, its all in your hands now. i am leaving it to fate. i have better things to think about.
now home. its 11.45 pm. i realize i have been coming home late lately. hahahahah. ok sleepy now. bye!~
Quality time is more than mere proximity. It’s about focusing all your energy on your mate. A husband watching sports while talking to his wife is NOT quality time. Unless all of your attention is focused on your mate, even an intimate dinner for two can come and go without a minute of quality time being shared. Quality conversation is very important in a healthy relationship. It involves sharing experiences, thoughts, feelings and desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context. A good mate will not only listen, but offer advice and respond to assure their mate they are truly listening. Many mates don’t expect you to solve their problems. They need a sympathetic listener. An important aspect of quality conversation is self-revelation. In order for you to communicate with your mate, you must also be in tune with your inner emotions. It is only when you understand your emotions and inner feelings will you then be able to share quality conversation, and quality time with your mate. Quality activities are a very important part of quality time. Many mates feel most loved when they spend physical time together, doing activities that they love to do. Spending time together will bring a couple closer, and, in the years to come, will fill up a memory bank that you can reminisce about in the future. Whether it’s sitting on the couch and having a brief conversation or playing together in a tennis league, quality time is a love language that is shared by many. Setting aside focused time with your mate will ensure a happy marriage..
You are Tommy, the Green and White Ranger, arguably the greatest Power Ranger of all time! You command the Dragonzord and eventually the Tigerzord. You've been down some dark roads but you've overcome and are stronger than ever. You're a driven individual and you know the meaning of sacrifice. You're never the new kid on the block for very long. You adapt to change remarkably well and make friends wherever you go. While you may not be a natural born leader, you are always ready to take initiative and kick it into turbo when your friends need you. You are a rare mixture of strength and sensitivity that others find admirable. Your deep sense of loyalty and quixotic love can also be a source of sorrow for you when it comes to romance. Go Green Ranger, go!.
You are Ron Weasley. You are funny and loyal. Sometimes you feel like you are always overlooked and in someone else's shadow. At times you come across immature. But when it counts the most you are extremely brave and can be a great leader. When you put your mind to it you are strong, courageous and people see you for the hero you are. You also have a great sense of humor..
M - ..membuat pacaran lebih menarik
U - ..disenangi oleh semua orang
H - ..setia kepada yang satu
A - ..seorang yang gila-gila
M - ..membuat pacaran lebih menarik
M - ..membuat pacaran lebih menarik
A - ..seorang yang gila-gila
D - ..kekasih yang terbaik pernah dimiliki oleh siapapun
A - ..seorang yang gila-gila
N - ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus juga
S - ..membuat orang tertawa
A - ..seorang yang gila-gila
R - ..seorang yang lucu
I - ..manis dan romatis
dunn see the date and time.i change it. haha.... its now 1.45am.....just came home. i am hapy, sad and also mad!~ haiz. just cant descirb how touched i was, cant describe how happy i was, cant describe how sad and disappointed i was!!!
today i woke up at 1 pm! rabak ehk! haha. to0 tierd. update things that i need. havent had time to do alot of things. bu 5, went out for work. somethings went wrong. no one have ever thot of that. how mean you are! u never change! Don't talk as if u own it! please wake u and think who the hell you are! just watch out! i wont be silent anymore. i wont be giving in anymore! u will hear harsh words from now onwards. just watch out! I have lost respect for you. Remember that.
met parents at Haig Road to settle somethings. aunts was also there. had no mood to sit and chit chat. i am getting late anyway. so went off. mum sms me "whats wrong". she understood my facial expression.
cabbed down to esplanade cos i was late already. esplanade drive closed! shit lah! had a long queue before my cab was allowed in thanks to the esplanade pass. should hold it every now and then. haha. nothing much to update. fireworks. awsome! haha. nothing much to say. did not so enjoyed it.
after that went to PS for a while. had to deliver somethings. back at esplanade. from there, smpaikn hajat seseorang. went to somewhere. :D i was not in mood anyway. so stressed. so went over. there, found so much of happiness. was soooo good and soooo relaxing! how i wish i could stay there and not come home. so peaceful. how god it is if life was like this......wont say more. the important thing is, i wont forget this. *smile * smile * smile * smile*
in the cab, cant stop smiling. till home. till now! lucky al asleep already. hahahhahaha.. ok bye! *weeeeee*
Tuhan sesungguhnya
Kau lebih mengerti
Ku luahkan perasaanku
Yang terpendam di dalam kalbu
Ku tulis lagu dengarkanlah
Getaran cinta di jiwa
Seandainya dikau mengerti
Katakanlah pada diriku
Siapakah yang ada di hatimu
Telah sekian lamanya
Kau bertahta dalam jiwa
Setiap ketika rinduku untukmu
Pedih menyaksikan dikau dan dia
Pilu airmata kasih mengalir di pipi
Hampa impianku luka berdarah
Mana harusku bawa hati yang kecewa