Friday, July 31
skipped this mornings lecture. nope, no regrets. hahahah. came only for martins class. did i am lost. no idea how its gonna work. later can try. hahaha. after that was solat jumaat. befor that, met someone. huh!~
"kau saper siak nk halang aku? siaper kau nk halang persahabatan aku? siaper kau yang konon nak jage keluarge dier. ehk, bleh blah lah ehk! aku tk pedulikkn aper kau nk cakap. tai kau kene ingat nie. aku tkkn diam ngan kater2 kau. do you think i am someone who will back out with you words and threats? lets see how you will heandle the upcoming situation. kau sayangkan keluarge dier kn? kau sayang kn dier kn? and korang bleh ckp aku basterd? skarang siaper yang basterd nie? siape! dah, aku malas nk cakap. korang tunggu je. kau mempergunakn adek aku selame nie. igat aku tak tau. hrm. kais siap. yang penitng, kau dah silap langkah. silap." solat was at same place and time. after that had GM at LT4. noting for me to update. then spent the evening at esplanad again today. i think, i shall move in to esplanade la ehk. hahaha. i just cant stop saying i love being at esplanade. yes, these whole week, i had no mood at all. something is not right with me. but the minit i enter the office, there, ansari is so happy and energetic. hahahah.
today was again Sing Dollar. haha... was working with shahirah again. cant say much here. ader unauthirize ppl reading. hehe. riti masok campr sebok2.. then block signages.. pastu kene jadi photographer! dei! pooodah lah! hahahahah...
wooo.. just so loving it lah.... ahhaha.... ok all is done. goi
guess what.. i am still in esplanade! ahhahah.. can i not go home today? can i? i just love it here. i feel like this is my second home. my second family. haiz.. wells... even with those busy works to do, i still love it. come on me, i am doing what i like. i have aims of being a full timer here. not joking. hahahha. since a lil fre now, shall blog about today. a shor one ok before jess come. hahaha
school was ok.. as per normal. martin was out of mood. stress. class was boring just now! was playing on my laptop. faceook and blogs... Song Boon walked past! luck never kena catch! hahahha. bodoh nyer tue! ahhahaha
after lesson went to SC. nothing much. but she was there again! aper nie! why are you always there! i feel very segan you knoe! hahahahaha.... whatever! yat and farahin was cleaning the AC whe the lizard story came. farahin cried because she was sooo scared of the lizard. hahaha. went for lunch then to lecture. again, was playing FB and others. friendster is abit alive thaks to ika. bengs! dah kene halu pon dah. hahaha... takper takper!
after class shoot down straight to esplanade. hahaha.... yes! was there super duper early! just to sebok around. haha. todays show is SYF in Concert Hall and Sing Dollar Comedy for THeatre. hrrm.... ok continue later! kene serbu la dei! pandi!
Thursday, July 30
Your fortune cookie reads:
A friend is a present you give yourself.
Life Path Compatibility:
You are most compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 2, 4, 8, 11 & 22.
You should get along well with those with the Life Path numbers 3 & 6.
You may or may not get along well with those with the Life Path number 9.
You are least compatible with those with the Life Path numbers 1, 5 & 7.
The Julian calendar date of your birth is 2448162.5.
The golden number for 1990 is 15.
The epact number for 1990 is 3.
The year 1990 was not a leap year.
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who`s constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced to not let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who`ll always cheer them up and help them out.
1. How old are you?
19years old.
2. Are you single?
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
4. Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
You mean friends? no idea.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
break into this blog to find out more Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
Rahman and Farahin
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
Garden Wedding
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
around 2000?
10. Will that include your exes?
like duh! freinds what...
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
Depends on mum. she is baking (save cost) *hehe*
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Garden Wedding of cos evening!
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
Family traditions-hindi is a must, Cliff Rcihard and slous...
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon,fork and knife?
Fine Dining? if nasi briyani.. use hand lo!
15. Champagne or red wine?
Bandung will be best.
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Days after Wedding.
17. Money or household items?
Money is more important. but depends on who i marry.
18. How many kids would you like to have?
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
NO! i want to enjoy.. not busy taking videos!
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
ARYANA AZIZ! ahahahhahahahahahah. sorry :P
Christoperh because he made me do this.
Wednesday, July 29
ehk.. this life is full of wonders men! just yesterday i was like so fucked up! but when dawn come, ask my caullege what went on. i went to work with that long face! hai! sungguh tak paham ni hidop!hahaha...
this mornign woke up late. went to take some pictures at bedok playground ans then headed to school for PM lesson. PM did all the backdated work.. haha all other groups are so foward.. come lah.. slow down! hahah... after PM dad and mum fetch me back. was funny lah sia.. hahaha.... nvm. hehe..
hoem by about 1. but went out for a while. dunn ask go where. back again by 3 pm. did some work on latop then off to esplanade again! dad drove me again. weee! haahha.. getting free rides these few days. soon to come more. hahaha... watched sing dollar again. show is very god. even though we knoe what is going to happen next. back home now. father fetch me again. hahahha...
ok yesterday i went out to marina sq... saw syafiee and nurul there. but too far to tego so yeah... dad drove me to esplanade. what show. same! sing dollar.. show is just so good lah sey! noting much to say except for the fact,
you are still being the false of you. come on lah! y do you lie? its not your fault. i knoe. its not your fault. but bye starting to hide, is it good? might as well you delete those unwanted ones ryte? at kleast the others can benifit. do not trouble others just because you are angry at some one... haiz...
like i said..woinders. baru tadik hapy2. now.. hrrm... i am speechless lah if you want to keep silent like this. i have no choice. who am i to you ryte... who am i to decide for you ryte..
Monday, July 27
its another monday -_-"'.. hahahahha... didi not get a peaceful sleep last night. somethings kept bothering me. haiyo! he is just so irritating la! i knew right form the start. nevermind. right now in PM class. watching a video on english chinese .. kindda merepek lah. hahaha..
weekends....what can be doned now? nothing. things has got to the extend of cousins getting involve about it. yes.. from this side its another story, but dont forget, he is still in contact with you. he might have known the real thing but from my side? its still a no. so how? hrrm...
suday morning, i have to apologise to siblings. sorry ok.. i have my reasons to do what i did. please. i hope for once, u understand me. abang, yes i know this is your project. its something you look forward to every year. same here. me and adek too. but just this time, let skip it please... adek, i know ur motive of coming down is to meet her. but please, for your dear brother, sacrifice it can? i will make up for you guys kn? promise. so yeah... went for maulid. near my house. blk 112. walking distance. its one of naufal's relatives. yeah.. friends of mine. hahahaha. reach home at about 1.30 pm... stayed home and rest. been coughing these few days. tired too. managed to get a short nap.
woken up by shah's call. went to wash up and got ready. by 5 was on the way to esplanade. actually planned to slack at Mac@ suntec for a while. but guess what! i passed by kallang stadium! got a match! shit! have to rush to esplanade then.. somethings need to be settled.. hehehhe.. reach esplanade at 6. thank god its still early. was suppose to to be stationed at ODTH.... long time since i work there. but at the last minute, had to be transferred to CH.... Jess transferred me! hahaha.. i love working in esplanade la sey. yes the job may not be an easy one. but the surroundings and the people. sumore with the presence of Riti, Shahirah, Paul, Helmi Azman and many more.. including the duty managers.. especially Jess! hahahaha.. even though there are some bitches and bastards around, it still make your day. i have never regretted working here. never regretted being asked to stay behind ti 1-2 am.. in fact.. i am more willing. just love it! hahaha
CH was a choir peformance by france and Cambridge high school students. i was sleeping trough out! hehehe. boring sia! after show, 11 boxes of Mouth Wash outside office. it has to be from theatre. Sing dollar. so yeah.. i have 36 bottles at home.. anybody wants? hahahha... more to come.. reach home at 12.30am. like i said. couldn't sleep. nvm...
saturday morning was doing up all my paper works for the meeiting. had a meeting at 1.20. members was late. started meeting at 2.15. hazel was not in a good state. i know whats going on. hahah.. after meeting, went over to cousins house. guess where it is? The Quartz Condominium. her house, i always have trouble searching. but not now! because...... its just a few blocks away from rahman's house..well.. nevermind... by 7 reach esplanade. i cant remember what i did.. but what i remember was, an auntie dropped her camera ionto the sea at outdoor theatre and blamed esplanade. bodoh!~ after that, saw the fire works! hahahhaha.. beauty.. yeas. nice. after that, lepak with hafiz, nadz and shah, infront of oub building. met farhan, khai and some old broadricians. like i expected them to sayy those words.. ow whatever! i even saw NABIL! as in not my abang...
reach home at about 1 am. nothing to update already. i had a busy week. very tired and sleepy not. still coughing. no idea whats gonna happen next.
Saturday, July 25
its 1.30 am now.....things not right now days. haha.. everyone having problems. true.. each and every one now is facing major problems! but the most irritating is the EGO part! mcm PANTAT BTOL! haiyoh... dunn tell me you have thrown away that number and give up! halo! ow wells..
kaka nadiah going trough a very hard time.. hrm... cant do much to help her.. just praying for the best ok? hahhaah...alot happen lately.. but i'll just blog what i remember k...
firstly, i just came home! yeap.. watced the show SING DOLLAR!!

yeap! it was funn! super funny.. hahaha.... well.. something i recomed all to go.. but too bad.. its full house already till the end of the show.. maybe next year la ahk... the show. ok.. was shock to hear najib voice! he can sing.. i mean. he got the singers voice. good voice. kumar, forever.. bloody fool! hahhaha.. he was a cleaner in that play. and he dances well too.. together with hosen loeng.. both of them.. dancing to the michael jackson song smooth criminal.. yeaap. hosen looks like one with the stage props and all... oly he is short :P.
Shahirah is back... she went holidays at dubai.. hahhaa.. and yeah.. all the cat calls are back when the production guys hear her voice over the walkie... somehow.. she is a hot stuff in esplanade .. hahaha.. some ushers are also afert her.. yes.. i knoe! think i dunnoe ijit? bler shahirah VO je.. sumer nk TT la BC la..hahhaa... the show.. is all about insults.. haha.. about ren-ci TT durai.. mas selamat. all merepeks! then.. because of the language used.. at the end of the show, all was given mouth wash. hehe.
school was ok.. went to skewl with zub this morning.. breakfirst also .... class was WAD! yeah. class getting a bit complicated.. hahah, after that went for Friday prayers. dad fetch me. after prayers went to fetch mum at geylang before heading home. was home and playing CS..
mus train alot.. need to lawan bro. hehehe.
Its Naims Birthday.. hahaha... well wishes to you new fren. hahaha
had WAD prac test.. couldent do the second set. cant figure out the java script. after that was lecture. and i feel.. i shall stop going for lecture. simple reason. the lecturer is reading text that we have. sometimes its a plus piont having him there.. but most of the time its a no no case. hahaha. during lecture.. malah was looking tough my phone.. and she suspected me and fad a couple?! haloo! please lah! merepek sia! hahaha.. then seh saw "her" picture and thot i am stalking.. thankx ah! ahhahahah
then was S.W.. i shall say we have a mad teacher and also gerek.. she super spotting and slenger lo! hahahahha... it was fields.. nothing we did except me and razin kena stupid punishment but in the end.. she kena back... darn selenge la!~after SW rush off to esplanade. hrrm. another long day...
Had lecture in the morning.. after that went out of school to met bro.. yeap.. we have alot of plens coming up.. mcm paham.. iun the end.. i am the one who is busy.. hahaha... went to punggol CC for some interviews then had lunch at mac. he told me a sad news,... but no. we are still in singapore ryte? hahaha
then after lunch.. lepak at hougang mall for a while. then back in school for next lesson which was SW. it was indoors. yeap.. rainign all day.. in the mornign had a hard time waking up. soo sleepy.. headed home after SW and changed and off to esplanade again! hahahah this whole week is super busy with esplanade.
Finlay this day met up with bro.. hahhaha. mornign class was as per normal. in the afternoon, went over to al zuhri to meet fad and lai to show them their video. after that meet up with bro macha and aziz. hehehe. yeap.. lepak at cofeeshop for a while.. then went off to bro house to take his laptop. haha. actuallly was supose to bring him go my school.. tell you guys.. rahman is so scared to come my school la sia! hahaha... paderhal at that time, the schol is empty. ok
from his house.. went over to hougang mall.. met naim there.. hrrm.. then went over to library to sit and play FB .. hahah naim joined us after that.. then 3 of us went to lepak at the old place. yeap. talked alot.. naim is rahman cousin.. some one fun to be with. hahaha... cute siak dier.. haha ok.. i am not gay ok. plens on celebrating his birthday is coming up hahahha. nope.. not telling it here.. will blog when its doned!
Sunday, July 19
15 July - Wednesday
nothing much in school, took half day off. hehe.. went over oITE HQ for The malay youth forum heheh. went there by own transport! took MRT to dover. met ahmed there! sejak biler orang tu dah ... ... ... ... ... ni syafiqah tau.. mampos! hahahhahahah... lols... then took bust to HD.. in bus got a shock!~ FREAKING SHOCK! never mind.. cant say much..
The panelist for the dialog was Dr Faishal, Mr Maliki Osman, Mr Zainul, Dr Yaacob, and Mr zainudin Nordin. basically we discussed alot about school and the workforce out there, then into youth attitudes towards school and then went into youths in relationship...
after that, dr faishal drove me to compass point. he bought dinner for family and i went to meet up with some friends to slack. came home at about 9.
Thursday was a long day for me. hahaha.. Watch Harry potter!! something all of you have to catch.. yeap.. cool... love potions.. hahahahhahahaha.. how i wish .. ... ... ... ... hahahh int the evening.. had modules at esplanade.. basically....was not concentrating at all! some people just have nothing better to do! what do you want from me? what? and u bloody coward! y so scard to admit who you are! Fuck you! i mean it! FUCK YOU! i wont let you destroy friendship of mine! u can try all you want.. u wont succeed! actually... i knoe who you are lah ok.. hahahhaha . so can blah with ur nonsens! couldent sleep well that night.
Friday 17 July Happy birthday To ahmed..

normal work.. chester a lil imitating.. things are not done! and push to me.. thankx! wen t friday prayers with mr ismail... then after that.. had teachers day auditions.. yeap.. very good performance.. a very good response too... by 4, headed home and then off to esplanade. the show was Journey to the west.... some monkey god thing. but it its alot of acrobats.. super wonderful show.. beautiful too... show ends,.. befor going home.. called up bor! i cant say much. but its just so sad and very pityful to knoe abour rahmans situation.. haiz... thenwas supose to go bu biba majlis.. but mum was about to go home.. YAY! went home.. if not i have to stay there till like 1 am? no men! hahahaha
alept at 1 am aniway.. woke up at 6.. prepared all.. byu 9.. went over to bubu biba house for the nikah session.. yes... everything was well alhamdulillah... hahaha majlis.. SO alot of coincidence! hahahahha first! the kendarat team... alongs and gang! bukad budak 4pm la sey! hahahaha.. ok tak pasal.. then my sec fren was there too! we are related! GOSH! hahahah.. ok nevermind... then saw ain! hahahhaahhahaha! i look at her 3 times before confirming its her! hahahhaa! gerek ehk! ok tkper still godd.. the worst was EXACTLY after ain left! a whole load of budak budak zuhri came! i was super shock how in the world they are here! rupenyer.. they are all rahman (as in my abang sedare) friends.. haiyo! connections connections connections! hahaha.. no wories. they din see me.. i hid. wakakakaka... the whole day there.. helping the majlis out.. gerek lah sey! meet up with alot of cuzzens.. uncles.. hahahha. bubu sakinah moved house.. she is now staying in the condo where my fresn are.. haiyo! coincidence again! aper lah nk jadi!!!! hahaha... came home at about 8.. super penat gyler rabak to the max! did some thigs an then went to sleeep! cant stand the tierdness... hahahahah..
its suday today.. maulid in the orning.. another coincidence.. hahahha...rumah shakir! gerek kapeeer! hahahaha.. ok now going out.. bye!~
Tuesday, July 14
nothing much to update. haha
today was on time for skewl but martin was lat.. as usual.. wakaakak... lesson was on WAD. java scripting... on prac.. i can do.. no prob. but on paper.. how will handle it.. fail! thats the word. how to memorise with this slow brains of mine! dont dream of passing AN!
after lesson submite the TP list to Mr Chu. then went down to Sc.. slag there while members are preparing for the kids read programme. hahha. at 1pm, had a meeting with mdm haj on tomorrows MP dialog session. then back to office. started facebook. hahah.. gerek.. lok at friends photos and i was WOW! super WOW! hahaha.. cant stop smiling looking at all the photos.. hehehhe.. aidil came.. he joined browsing the photos.. even he wowed! then switch to multiply where he took some advantage of my ccount.. hrrrm.. wonders wonders wonders ....
by 3.45.. went off to Astoria. nice place to live. haha.. then made my way home. was at kembanga. so msg bro hoping to meet up with him. he has been missing for quite a long time.. worried and also scard of whats going on.. bro, is everything alright?. i cant contect u.. no respond at all... hrrm... met fadhilah at bustop instead. hahaha. ce habsah saw us.. hehehe.. lolz!~ what ever! met zub also.. hahha. he is one bloody fool! banykla ko nyer prac 3! umor tk cukop.. nk step je! aku derlah gipecaye! bahlol kau! hahaha
reach home at about 5.20.. was on the phone.. haha. some one dare me! hrrrm.. we shall see.. WE SHALL SEE OK GURL! hahahaha. ended the convo at about 6.. wash up and did all necessary things..
kamsani is out :(.. cant do much.. praying for wild card.. hahaha... nothing much to say..
new pictures uploded to web.. take a look soon/.. bye...
Monday, July 13
life have been different nowdays. hehe... too busy in the weekend and also fell sick... sian!~
ok!~ last friday wen home early after prayers. Finlay after 2-3 months, i am back at esplanade. a show at CH.. woohoo!~ just miss esplanade. hehe. was SSO show. which ended super late. and left HP at office.. cool. hahah..
reach home, din bother anything and sleep!~. woke up saturday morning, went for maulid and then collect HP.. got alot of update and some people sedang dilamun cinta! but never wil she or he admint!~ haiz. so ego!
saturday evening, was at DBS auditorium. watching
GALA NITE (KOLEJ 56 THE MUSICAL). before that met kak su. had a long chat with her! so much things happen while she was away and soon, we are gonna give up. haiz.. just not sure of whats gonna happen next year. at the foyer area, met alot of mates. friends. hahah aidil, zab, saiful, kaz.. alot la.. saiful was one of the performers.
the play was on the life story of students in kolej 56. its a story where students are not allowed to be in love with each other including the staffs. but the real fact is, there a re some. unfortunately, they love in silence. some managed to confess and be happy silently. even the staffs. on top of that, students come to school to look good and be the hot stuffs. and, only the hottest gal and the hotest guy ken be together. but at the end of the day, its not about looks guys. its not. love is about you and who you are. its not about how good u look and how attractive you are. at the end of the story, the most hot girl went on relationship with a not good looking guy. because they were just friends and soon they fley the love and care for each other but both decided to run away from the fact because never did they imagine to win each others heart especially the guy. because he is not good looking. well.. it was a good show on malay youths in school. grades and attitude play a big part. as parents also, they have to put thier position in that kids life. times change and ways change. a very good play i shall say...
after the show, we 3 brothers wanted to have dinner but went home instead. had dinner at 12.30 am!~ parents was asleep. wash up and went to sleep. sunday morning, woke up with abit of flu. and mum was super high. she was so not herself. a lil irritating. hahahha... went for maulid at pasiis. then home. and slept. just too tierd. hahahah. not sure what took my energy. hahaha. woke up at 6. performed asar prayers then magrib. slag around. performed isyak prayers then was on the phone for a while then off to sleep again. super sleepy.
woke up at 5 this morning. turn on laptop and play facebook till about 6 then went to wash up and got ready for school. went out wih dad at about 7.45. owh ya.. i yell at my mum. she was just teasing me of what i did in the morning. wont say what i did. she is just so nonsenses lah sey!~ irritating. i yell at her: mother...SHUT UP!~ and she did!~ woohoo! gerek pe! hahahaha...
currently in class.. lessons a bit boring and thats why i am here bloging.. haha.. and also will be going home. wont be going for after noon class.
before i go off.. bro has been missing from action for long. i tynk he is in KL but seems like he should be back. haiz.. where is he? cant contact him at all. sms also no respond. calls not answered. haiz.. haiz...
kk.. off now.. bye
Thursday, July 9
Happy Birthday To Liana And Faiq.... may all your wishes come true and lead a good long life :D
shall say a lil about today first. last night slept early. too tired due to that night outing. hehe.. repayback my sleep :). woke up at 6 am for subuh then went back to sleep. then at about 7.30, woke up again, bath and all then headed to school and i was like super early?! hahaha.. first lesson was WAD. its getting more and more interesting. hehehe. wells.. it plays a big part in my MJRS development. but first i need some databases. had a 15 mins break in between. go drin my fav coconut juice. hehe. back to lessons. it ended at about 11.45 am.
then headed for lunch. during lunch, had some small chats..the song you are not kindda getting popular.. hrrrm.. then some people searching for the song orang ketiga? hahhaha.. the song very nice actually. haha.
then headed back to SC .. had alot of work to do. martins attendance not done 1, went for lecture. and marting was late!~ hahhaha. lecture today was a a bit boring. its like the theory of the prac just now. repeating.. somme in lecture was restless. super restless. i expected so. asking stupid questions and all. and i could even fall a sleep. hahhaahah! cool ehk!
after lecture performed zohor prayers then went for meeting. which ended at 6.30. perform asar prayers and back home.
13 You Are Not Alone.wma - this song is really meaning full. very meaningful. found this song last night after like it was being populated online. mum was also into it. well. its just very meaning full. and i wish to dedicate it to all my dearest family and friends ..
they are:

My Dad And Mom

My Abang - Nabil

My Adek - Zahid
not to forget another set of siblings

Ahmed || Ameer || Affifah

My Bro - Abdurrahman

Adam - The hotstuff guy

Hidayat - all time fav bear

Farahin - high pitch mother

Shahruddin - Pop Star
well.. this song goes out to specially you guys.....
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
Whisper three words and I'll come running'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there
You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...
Wednesday, July 8
today woke up a bit late due to late night acivites. hehe!~ gerek ryte? hehehe .. shall there be a newt time? hehe but not too often. i need sleep. after subuh prayers went to sleep. and woke up at 7.45 am! LECTURE IS AT 8am! but i din bother to like rush. no no no. no need to rush. haha. very mean. cant be bothered!~
last nyte was on the phone with faizal. hrm.. they need to work things out. seriousely. and guess what, iwas added at facebook t the group. i shall join them and see how it goes kay? hehe
ok then reach school. of cos late lor!~ hahaha but i waas kinda nto the latest. hahaha. lecture was ok. normal notes and all stuffs. waiting for prac and all will stick in my brains. swear! after lecture, rush off to meet chester as some profile updates of class have to be done. friends ezlinc cards and also the class results slips. then headed to cafe 1 for breakfirst with mates and headed for PM after that. Pm we had a new project to do. hrrm.. a company.. so much of innovations and explorations... just wait and see what nonsens and how gyler we can get. hahaha... i shall say... PM is the best lesson ever. the lecturer gerek to the max!
after PM.. heade to office
Tuesday, July 7
yesterday was the first day of school. wel. so happy to be back. we tease wan on the h1n1 because ;last week he was a positive. hehhe.. so funn .. school started at 10.30, i came at 1.50. as per normal.. hahhaa.. chester appointed me my previous post!~ hiyo! .. it was LLA lesson.. the teacher a bit too gerek ah.. hahha.. kena with soime irritating students in my class.. haiz.. gets worst.. well but it was filled with fun and laughter. hahaha... then we went off to east point banquet to have our lunch. there we chat alot about attachments and all.. problems we face.. wah.. hey u knoe what? most of them are a changed person. hahhaha 4 months of not meting! phew! that was long... Dani, he change alot.. y? noe everything is about money! help on anything, money please! hahah.. because he was attached at sim lim. so you should understand his situation. hahhah by 2 pm headed back to school, had lecture on WAD.. kindda gerek lesson. martin teaching us. lecture was until 4. went to perform zohor prayers, then went for WAD prac lessons. more and more fun i shall say. hahaha. i relise on thing. we are kinda divided into 2 class. the best thing, non of our malay friends are separated! gerek kapeeer! see! the bonding of us as classmates!~ hahhaha.. ok what ever. WAD class ended at 5.40. headed home. took 31 then drop after sfara, accompanied wan then went home. performed asar prayers then turn on laptop. hehe.. miss laptop today! check important stuffs.
after magrib, got prepare and went for ugame class @ Uts hassan place. which ended at about 10.30. as usual, we wil wait for everyone to leave before we assist hassan in cleaning up the house. hrrrm.. after which, he talked to us a bit.. and he requested something from me!~ haiyo! ahmed told me about it weeks earlier that hassan is gonna ask me this favour. its not that i dunn want. its a lil keberatan. what is his favour? he wants me and ahmed to lead maulids and gasidah's. seriously, i say, i cant! its like a NO NO thing.. walau... his majlis kalau kt umnah orang tkper jugak. ni, its at mosques, super big gatherings? i rather be behind there playing the kom pang asper usual. lagy gerek. while talk ing and talking, THAT top[ic came in. the topic that i spoke to faishal about. ust TM is now aware about it. and i tell you guys.. that whole kumpulan is in deep trouble!
Its all about Dengki and khianat. i told everything to hassan about what i notice. kak sue was home, i ask kak sue if i was right. she relised i was! see!DENGKI! that whole group sabo last sundays majlis. haiz. what do you want and what u do dat? i mean you are not small kids! you are adults. haiyo! and all this while, since we entered ur organization, we have been supporting all ur events. somehow or what, we support for the main reason of what? to see you all and the majlis success. but! i just cant believe what happen last sunday! its ur own organization and you ur self sabo the whole team?! making ur own organization loose face?! do you knoe who are the people that attended the majlis? halo! do you knoe who are this people?! FREAKING NO! U DO NOT! just so shock that educated people like you guys reacts like this! just see the disappointment in hassan's face and you will understand where he stands now!
came home at about 12. seriously, was super darn tierd. hahaha... i dunnow why.. dun ask.. just so tierd. did not even have the energy to talk on the phone sia.. hahahha.. came home, perform isyak prayers and then i am done! snoring away.. hahah
this morning woke up at 4 because of abangs freaking stupid alarm!~ but he never wake up! dengs! hahaha.... cant sleep back. got prepared for subuh prayers then only managed to get my sleep. woke up around 8am! and my class is at 9 am! din bother to rush. hehe.. this that. reach school at about 9.15.. class started. like DUH! hahahahha.. in class had this ecohness of H1N1.. again.. main target wan... and ya.. y is every one calling me ansari? when they use to call me an. helow, it make a difference ok.. but not as bad as some one.. calling me .... nevermind... its her days now.. mine will come soon... "leave it to fate"... whahahaha...
was in the office all the way till about 4. went for lunch date with hazelinda and farahin merajok.. which is so tak perlu. at 4.15, cabbed down to alzuhri to meet up with fad and lai. they wanted to do their project things.. owh ya.. came out of cab, nysa ans sakinah shock me by yelling my name from the side! bodoh btol .. and hrrm.. wonder wats up with them dressing up soo pretty today.. especially sakinah.. hrrrm... ok da. stop~!
perform asar prayer there then went over to geylang did some shopping before going home. ain saw me on the way home.. haha.. din see her... reach home at about 7.40. now updating blog.. gonna start working on MJRS.. yes..
so bye!~
Sunday, July 5
was not able to sleep last night. went to bed early. at about 10 was off to room but laptop was on outside cos have to run somethings.. cant sleep.. its like super early? hahah... toss and turn, then rmembered bro! long time din contact hym. so called hym.. GUESS WHAT! he found a job! like OMG!!! was like so happy lah sey! hahaha.. we has been working hard to get a job seh.. finally god answered his prayers. may blessings be with him. but.. i pity him a bit.. hrrm.. tkper.. not for u al to knoe.. so yeah.. went on the phone with a friend. talk till about 1 am and sleep because its just getting worst.. hahaa.. kept irritating me more and more! bugger!~
but i was unable to sleep. at the moment. was so happy for bro.. then i started thinking of his words. my friends words. adam's words. all this came to me.. i was just talking to my heart. what does it wants? why all of a sudden, each time i think about it.. i feel very sad. why am i sacrificing so much? why?
i advice people, dunn lie to ur heart. but why am i doing it?! i advice people, dunn keep in ur heart. let it out. tell ur true feelings. but why cant i do that? why do i have to hide all this from everyone? i tell people its not a wrong thing and never take it as a wrong thing.. but me? am i doing it? no.
was about to doze off... rahman;s words came to my mind. he advice me not once.. but 4 times. yes.. it was suppose ment to be a joke.. but..... entah lah ehk.
at another moment, i felt happy ... because i have these people by my side. felt so grateful. god is just so great etting me meet this people. but again. hrrrrm.... will all this like .....? will it? will it not? if yes, for how long? how short? how fast? how slow?
farahin and yat came into my mind. to be frank, thats the third. (dun have to knoe third of what and all.. just read)..the news sounded bad. but good but sad and happy! and some disappointing.
are you telling me trough out my life.. this is my fate?
are you telling me trough out my life i will always find what that will be gone?
are you telling me trough out my life i shall hide in the darkness and appear bright?
where is .....?
when will i find ....?
went online with ahmed. again.. started thinking... ahemd was the 1st...haiz..
why do i have to always keep loosing .....
is this some kind of fate? ijit?
or its just not the right time?
every ones words are coming to my mind. i just do not knoe what to do!~
sometimes.. mostly.. rarely...fortnightly.. often:
we talk
we share
we work
we suffer
we scold each other for stupid jokes
we skive
we solve
we learn
what is this? fate?
owh ya.. the word fate.. hahaha. some one is just leaving alot to fate.. hehehe
and she sounded soooo Happy after getting "my" number. kekeke.. ok back to topic
if this is fate,
why do i still hear things that hurts?
that saddens me?
that shatters me?
that silence me?
oh god, please guide me. please. i have benn pondering over this for long. very long. just ant let it out. no matter how much i try, just cant let it out.
she was right: rahsia hati, tk sesiapa pun yang tahu.
but trust me. i have start thinking about this for weeks.. even in the day
please.. i was never put in this position.
why now that it comes
why now when we will be like in different world soon
why now when everything is about to end
why now when there is another gameplen
that took my whole night away. woke up for subuh prayers, after that.. went back to sleep. again.. cant sleep.. anly managed to doze of at about 0 but awaken by 10.
tomorrow, school starting soon.. i hope all this questions do not come back i just hoe it does not. i need sleep. this thinking better not overcome me in class. please...
maybe i shall just take all this as a stupid nonsense?
maybe i shall like just forget all about it?
just live with the flow?
what should i do?
mrs syahid, ahmed, rahman, efa, farahin, adam.
these are the names of the pople who are advisers to me.hahaha...
ok.. i took 15 mins to blog this.. thats fast! hahahha.. ok away with all that..
i watched transformers like .... hahhahahahahawell..
nothing much to say
owh ya! i have a question for you all
what wil you do if some one teases u, and you can tease her back but u cant. because of certain reason. what will you do?
tomorrow's the day i have to like tolerate!
ader ubi ader batas...
ader hari.. BOLEH BALAS!
Thursday, July 2
last night came home at about 11.30..kindda early.. hahha.. syiok.. hahah.. well.. had a small party by the beach to celebrate some birthdays.. well i was invited.. so went lo.. farhan fetch me.. he bought new bike.. cool sia! haha... reach west cost at about 8.10.. just in time before ivey and her BF came.. hahahha.. darren briefed us on how it goes.. and i swear to you all.. it suckx! surprise HOTAK DEORANG.. i said.. changed pleen.. just follow what i and fadhil say..both of us are the crazy bloopers.. so yeah..
first that happen was the flying cake then the coke before the flour. hahahaha.. the plen was just floor and DONE! boring ryte? we added on.. then the ghostly character then the forth leg game.. fries butter and butterflies.. yes! hahahahha butterflies.. gerek kapeer.. well.. god thing i din get a smack from ivey.. hahahahhah.. then songs.. karaoke.. at about 10.30.. i saw things a lil got abit out of hand.. not so bad lah.. its their culture of party.. drinks and all. me and some of us took our leave.. well they understood. wont be meeting them till the refresher modules starts. hahaha..reach home... like i guess.. hahahahhahaha... kene marah rabak2.. haha.. slept at about 1 am... before that disturbed bro.. sms hym. kekeke... haha.. tapi tk layan.. rabs btol!~ hahahah tkper.. cnfrm penat agak.. monthsary pe! hahhaha
Today. had a meeting at noon... last minit thing again! hrrm... well i guess i have to tolerate al this... have to take charge already.. haiz..
owh ya.. something to share.. woke up for subuh prayers just now. after prayers was on laptop.. parents was super weired. i was using laptop in the kitchen.. on the dining table. where mum and dad having break first. i never expected them to open this topic. i mean not early in the morning..
they started discussing on my life.. as in WEDDING!?????.. wth?? i was caught.. i cant run . i had work to do.. so have to stay seated.. they started talking about this and that. i kept silent.. hoping they wont ask me anything! but they did!~ asking me if i am hiding a girl from them or not. ask me if i have interest on some one.. if some one had interest in me and all that lah! seriously.. i dunn understand them sometimes. at a point of time.. they want to knoe. but at some point ... they dun alloy us having all this relationship.. but aniway.. not worries. no one in mind.. haha.. actually there is.. but.. hrm... tkperlah. diam diam suak.. hehe ni kalau rahman tau.. mmpos! knfrm kene marah seh.. hahahahahah.. ok that aside..but ah.. i just feel this morning discussion sounded very serious.. too serious.. hope they are not up to something or suspecting somethings.. hrrm.. i just feel.. never mind..
about 8 i as a bit bored.. read blogs.. hrrm.. long time never read blog.. came across syahira's blog. so like whatever! no updates.. i guessed so.. she started blogging because of me.. to tell me something.. but too bad.. its vanish into thin air.. read broadricians blogs.. got some updates.. new people bloggins.. hrrm.. unexpected.. then started reading Al-Zuhri students nyer blog.. weih! interesting lah seh! hahahaha... read their stories.. funn.. gerek lah sey! i read alot about kids camp.. so many stories.. and hey... i saw my name on some blogs.. but was unexpected to see some sentences about me on some blogs.. ow men... its good things lah.. but a lil too good.. hrrm.... tkper.. btol ah aper rahman ckp.. haiz.. susah idop. susah... then went out at about 11... went out.. reach at about 12. but those poeple was not there yet. i guessed so in the first place.
did all the work and discussion.. ended at about 2. called mac.. had lunch there.. then at about 3. went off to tamp int cos had to topup my mum's ezlink cards. then took 31 to stadium (only 1 stop) met farhan there. pass him some things, then took 67 straight to mjd kassim. was expecting to meet fadhilah and rahman. expecting gyler nyer. haha. but they ended skewl like at 1? haha... wells.. pe form zohor prayers, headed home. hrrm.. was on the phone all the way.. i swear.. that person on the line was super irritating gyler! well.. hari dier ni! tu sebab! was on the phone till about 6 plus then went to wash up and prepared for magrib prayers.. haha.. hrrm.. i have been trying to contact bro since morning.. looks like he tk layan.. hrrrm... owh ya.. some one ngamok cos i put rahman as my bother at FB.. hahaha.. ehk.. aku nyer suker ahk.. sebok je! wakakakaka...
tomorrow. morning meet mr marting for the CEO visit again... that will be in the morning. noon of cos friday prayers... after that.. going out with friends. .. hrrm... evening.. going for maulid at mjd alkaf.. since i came back from KL.. i have been looking forward for all Hassan's majlis, and majlis rasulullah events. just love their ways and all.. hahah.. saturday and sunday also have majlises. but clash a lil. sat i having BBQ.. not sure yet where.. sunday.. got 2 majlis maulid. dunnoe which one to go...
ok getting late and bored.. bye.. want go play CS
PS: addicted to wax! thanks bro!~
Wednesday, July 1
last night came home at about 10.30..kindda early.. hahha.. syiok.. hahah.. well.. had a small party by the beach to celebrate some birthdays.. well i was invited.. so went lo.. farhan fetch me.. he bought new bike.. cool sia! haha... reach west cost at about 8.10.. just in time before ivey and her BF came.. hahahha.. darren briefed us on how it goes.. and i swear to you all.. it suckx! surprise HOTAK DEORANG.. i said.. changed pleen.. just follow what i and fadhil say..both of us are the crazy bloopers.. so yeah..
first that happen was the flying cake then the coke before the flour. hahahaha.. the plen was just floor and DONE! boring ryte? we added on.. then the ghostly character then the forth leg game.. fries butter and butterflies.. yes! hahahahha butterflies.. gerek kapeer.. well.. god thing i din get a smack from ivey.. hahahahhah.. then songs.. karaoke.. at about 10.30.. i saw things a lil got abit out of hand.. not so bad lah.. its their culture of party.. drinks and all. me and some of us took our leave.. well they understood. wont be meeting them till the refresher modules starts. hahaha..reach home... like i guess.. hahahahhahaha... kene marah rabak2.. haha.. had an early night.
Today. having a meeting at noon... last minit thing again! hrrm... well i guess i have to tolerate al this... have to take charge already.. haiz..
owh ya.. something to share.. woke up for subuh prayers just now. after prayers was on laptop.. parents was super weired. i was using laptop in the kitchen.. on the dining table. where mum and dad having break first. i never expected them to open this topic. i mean not early in the morning..
they started discussing on my life.. as in WEDDING!?????.. wth?? i was caught.. i cant run . i had work to do.. so have to stay seated.. they started talking about this and that. i kept silent.. hoping they wont ask me anything! but they did!~ asking me if i am hiding a girl from them or not. ask me if i have interest on some one.. if some one had interest in me and all that lah! seriously.. i dunn understand them sometimes. at a point of time.. they want to knoe. but at some point ... they dun alloy us having all this relationship.. but aniway.. not worries. no one in mind.. haha.. actually there is.. but.. hrm... tkperlah. diam diam suak.. hehe ni kalau rahman tau.. mmpos! knfrm kene marah seh.. hahahahahah.. ok that aside..but ah.. i just feel this morning discussion sounded very serious.. too serious.. hope they are not up to something or suspecting somethings.. hrrm.. i just feel.. never mind..
about 8 i as a bit bored.. read blogs.. hrrm.. long time never read blog.. came across syahira's blog. so like whatever! no updates.. i guessed so.. she started blogging because of me.. to tell me something.. but too bad.. its vanish into thin air.. read broadricians blogs.. got some updates.. new people bloggins.. hrrm.. unexpected.. then started reading Al-Zuhri students nyer blog.. weih! intresting lah seh! hahahaha... read their stories.. funn.. gerek lah sey! i read alot about kids camp.. so many stories.. and hey... i saw my name on some blogs.. but was unexpected to see some sentances about me on some blogs.. ow men... its good thigs lah.. but a lil too good.. hrrm.... tkper.. btol ah aper rahman ckp.. haiz.. susah idop. susah... then went out at about 11... went out.. reach at about 12
tomorrow. morning meet mr marting for the CEO visit again... that will be in the morning. noon of cos friday prayers... no plans after that yet... hrrm... evening.. going for maulid at mjd alkaf.. since i came back from KL.. i have been looking forward for all Hassan's majlis, and majlis rasulullah events. just love their ways and all.. hahah.. saturday and sunday also have majlises. but clash a lil. sat i having BBQ.. not sure yet where.. sunday.. got2 majlis maulid. dunnoe which one to go... hahaha..
ok getting late and bored.. bye.. wan go play CS
PS: addicted to wax! thanks bro!~