Monday, April 20
Saturday morning as per usual, went for mauled in the morning, then after that went to pasar shopping.. went home, something happen.. just lost mood .. all I have to say and always say is that I have to just sedar diri where the hell I stand in their eyes.. mestilah. Who am I sey compared to them… memang lah… when it comes to my part, no one bothers.. millions of excuses were created! I just get sick and tired of it each time it happens! Just so stupid of mo to have always give in .. give and give and give.. but never gotten it back!
Just lost the mood! Msg zub to tell him to contact aidil to meet him somewhere as aidil should be going with me,.. but with no mod. Thot of not going.. but dunnoe what happen, aidil dah smpai my area! Haiz! Forced my self to go.. waited for those 2 heartless ppl to leave. Then I went out, meet aidil, then took a cab there.. in cab was so silent..
Reach ECP at about 3.45.. the brainless person sms me.. kindda trying to show some FAKE concern.. gi mampos arh! Tynk I will be so touched by ur FAKE concern?! Halo! I live with you! But good that you ppl knoe that I lost the mood!
Went over to mac to had lunch.. well, there I tried to cheer up.. kesian kn if I were to still be so moody to friends.. zub and nysa was one of the main reasons that I was high.. hahah.. got to knoe that sue was coming... zub told me.. and I was like?? Like I care like that… but aidil was . hahhaaha..
Lepak2 then at 4.30 went to report.. got a free t-shirt.. super kuning! So like?!?!?!~ hahaha… I got a bit irritated by zub and bysa cos they kept updating me about sue .. then I said this to zub: EHK! Korang pk aku pedulik kaper si bodoh tu datang tk! Tk penting bagi aku.. haha.. kalau nak update sangat.. bilang pat dektu(pointing to aidil.. hahhahahah..a….) nysa mcm blur.. me and zub laughing.. hahahha.. aidil muker step malu! Then sue came to our lepak area.. zub saw the action.. me and sue wer like tk kenal each other at all.. now only zub and nysa saw how bad our gadoh is! Hahha
Me and ahmed was a marshal/road safety cyclist.. kindda susah ahk jugak.. penat.. cos I have to like go up and down the whole route of cycling just to make sure all cyclist, safety cyclist and facilitator are safe and also not lost or doing anything funny.. .. kindda of cool lah… but tell you.. some youngsters are just so shall say bodoh to the max!i yel to them, keep left.. no racing.. no over taking.. but they still do it when I said.. bodokn?/.. hahahha..
Reached marina brag at about 12.30.. chill , makan and all. Then me and ahmed went around to see the other faci doing their group activity.. hahaha.. reached group zub… he was nt there.. thot he go toilet.. bler smapi group nysa, there he is! Group sendrik tk jage! Dating rupernyer! Hahahhaha abes tu bleh menag best group lagi seh!!! Haha.. tk adil!
Me and ahmed was the first few to leave for ECP cos we have to like station ourselves at some points as there are super big lorries goin in and out.. then from there was just escorting the whole group and all… oh ya.. u guys knoe how veron drives? Kaki atas kaki. Lepak gyler.. hahahha… kene saman baru tau…hahaha.. tompang my beg in veron's car.. haha.. malas nak bawak..
the best thing about this cycling that i lurve most is that.. we yell at participants not to speed. but we speed all the way.. race all the way. hahaha.. slopes down was alot when on the way back.. so lagi syiok lah..
Reach back to east coast at about 4.45 am.. this that.. we safety dah dismiss.. I just stayed around the faci and participants area. cos they stil have activities going on.. made alot of new friends.. zahin, shah, sya, roziely, fadhil.. all were lepaking around there.. cos al is enther staff or marshalls or logistic people.. then when they were about to end.. went over to mac and waited for zub and gang.. my adek reach first cos he cycles.. he said kak sue was folowing zub.. and i was like.. kepo!~.. adek went off first cos he have to cycle home..…at mac makan and all. Then went home at about 8.. guess what! nysa ken even go for kendarat ! tk penat kaper?! as for me.. when reach home.. tros tido! On the floor la.. cos if sleep on bed. My mum will make noise and nanti aku bingit.. hahaha
Woke up around 3.30pm, wash up and all.. then went off to work.. hrrm.. CATS!!! Woohoo!! Cool to the max!! cats all around you. In the theatre.. I swear. I dunn even knoe where to station myself.. they are like walking all over.. ended at about 10.30.. want to go home.. but malas.. took taxi home.. but befor that.. kos I will reach home early.. I walk all the way to lavender while on the phone with my friend. Hahha.. cool ehk.. there was when I took the cab..
Wah.. super long post.. hahah..
Ok.. today.. work was normal.. a bit boing.. owh ya.. btw.. I keep going to facebook lately.. y? kept visiting someone’s fotos! Hrrm.. entah kenaper…. Dah diam.. ahmed also knoes about it.. hahah.. same reason also. hehehe..
today had a kindda good day.. getting abit stress.. left with 4 more days! haiz!.. hrrm.. had lunch at food culture... introduce zub to the tempat solat.. and also. sattled some admin things for zahin cos he wanted to join SC... .
was being tego-ed by lots of students.. they recognize me.. but i dun recognise them.. from the night cycling lah! hahahah..
inthe morning, went over to CDC for a while to meet adam.. finally.. he passed! then went to school.. CVC.. meet veron.. gave her the letter and she was like: i dunn want letter.. i want the tshirt! hahahha... mepek ahk tu pompan! theni replied .. who ask u go home early? ahhaha..
went off at about 6.15 pm.. penat to the max! hahha smpai rumah about 7.30. did blasting.. super jia lat! no luck! haiz!
somehow i feel much better at home just now.. mum has been talking to me alot.. hrrm. sejak she work in school ehk.. i realized she has been talking to me alot.. she luahkan alot about those problematic students in school and all lah.. hrrm.. kindda happy that she knoes she has someone to talk to. cos both my bros are not those listener type.. only at certain moods... hahah....
ok2 dah.. penat nie.. i stil owe my self alot of sleep since the KL trip.. now the cycling .. hrrm.. banyak hutang..
p.s: ada seseorang manusia berpakat bersama seorang teman untuk menyamar menjadi kekasihnya. tapi in the end.... hrrm..
tu lah... main main lagi lah.. :P
Monday, April 13
Was inKL for the past 3 days. had alot alot alot of fun. went there with my family angkat, my uncle actually.. haha.. so yeah.. lets update.
actually was suppose to go by the tour bus, but then, uncle decided to drive went out of house after subuh prayers, the came and fetch me and straight we speed up to tuas as we know for sure, its gonna hell jam at woodlands. turn out, tuas also jam to the max.. mamu went using the bus lane. before we reach there ustaz hassan call us to see where were are. all drivers were to meet at machap then, together drive up to kl in convoy.. hassan was already in the tuas jam.. so yeah... filter in and out the lanes..
then speed up to machap. in the car, bebual gyler things, listening to jiwang sings and singing it out loud i our worst voices.. making effa darn irritated in the car. hahaha...BEST!!!.. then when we reach machap. we expected hassan to be there waiting for us..guessed what... we called him, he is still in the jam! can you belive it?!.. haiz.. then he said no need to wait for him if we tau jalan to the resort.. actually.. we do not knoe the way.. but.. instead of waiting.. might as well we drive off.
from there we proceeded to Kl straight .. no stopping at all.. haha.. syiok.. car was running at 150km/h.. flying.. cool. hahah.. ameer very cute. he sat in front with me. he pangku me and said : pangku bai mcsm dudok kat sofa. KUANG ASAM!!! haha.. then he could even sleep leh! hahah.. but cool lah... we were a bit lost aafter exiting the highway.. btw, met another of my uncle on the highway cos i recognise their car number.. hehe.. guess where the chalet was.. its super duper deep gyler into the forest! super deep to the max nyer. about 1 hour of driving in the forest... but i tell you.. its darn cooling.. beautiful flowers.. all over..ken maen citer hindustan skali.. hahha... really back to nature..
reached the cahelt about 3.30.. there was oinli 3 cars.. the rombongan contains 15 cars actually.. looks like they are all either lost or stucked in the massive jam.. haiz.. we then solat zohor.. dint jamak cos we still have time.. then asar and then proceeded back to chalet and sleep.. but oni unle and anut slept.. ameer wanted to go for a swim.. so i teman him, effa tagged along.. me and effa went round the chalets.. super duper nice.. haiz.. words cant describe the beauty.. then ahmed joined us.. took some photos. owh ya.. this trip, never take alot of photos.. was too excited and happy till dont bother about phtot takig the other cars came by at about 5.30.. but very funny leh.. ustaz hassan maseh blo, smpai2 .. paderhal.. he reached tuas first then us.. haiz!~ the 2 coach, of cos.. have reach yet.. at about 9 then hasan reach the resort.. super exhausted faces.. kesian kak sue.. she is pregnant summore.. haiz.. her face super pale.. at this moment.. i started to miss 2 friends of mine!! ADAM AND SYAFIQAH!!! its like ,... aroun g this time, we will be like smssing each other.. then bout 11 pm.. will talk on the phone till about 2-3 am.. haiz.. where are thay! why is my phone silent!
then at about 10, the coach arrived.. all tierd faces... haiz.. kesian.. then all of us solat jamak isyak and magrib together.. then went to sleep... i cant sleep.. was sitting at the restaurant.. just waiting for my phone to ring.. but i knoe it wont.. haha.. ahemd came out, saw me.. sat down .. chatted till about 1 am.. haiz.. hrrm.. i feel very honoured to have ahmed, effa and ameer.. even tho they are just my cousins, i live then as my own borther and sisters.. hrrm...

next morning.. woke up at 4.30 am.. wash up adn then went to the surau.. ramai solat tahajud and all.. then subuh then some kuliah and then solat doha.. then at 9, all assebble in front of the pool for morning exercise. fun. super klaka rabak gyler nyerr.. hahahha... then after that was breakfast, then had family telematch.. fun fun fun.. we din win.. but nevermind.. haha... but at least.. we are not so bad as another team.. they lost.. this is what they did...

hahaha.. the judge was thrown in. after that.. all got prepared for zohor prayers, then after prayers, straight away went off to mjd negara for the majlis. whis was the main reason why i went to KL for... reached mjd negara at about 3.30.... the masjud was super beautiful.. wow.. thats all i can say...sat for the majlis.. super long.. alot of syarahan.. i was not so interested to listen lah.. cos there were like 9 pensyarah?! what i waiting was.. the maulid... guess when maulid started. at 10.45pm! oww.. i was about to sleep.. teros segar megar!~.. hahaha... sungguh sedap rasanyer.. majlis ended at about 11.45.. sesungguhnyer, kaki aku sakit to the max! siting down for like 8 hours!!! tk pernah!
Nice ryte?
reach back to resort at about 1 am... on the way back.. something intresting happened.. hrrm.. tk penting to say here.. those who knoe.. dah tau. hahaha.. played mercun AGAIN!!! hahaha...
nex morning.. same schedule.. 5 am to 8 am was at surau.. then exercise.. after breakfirst, had this expedition to go into the hutan and walk up to the top of the waterfall.. i climbed only 3/4 of the route cos cik imah pitam on a super steep slope .. she cant take it.. then she wanted to go down.. there wasent anyone se kenal down there that she can trust.. so i acompanied down.. nevermind.. at least i climbed 3/4 of the route.. smpai bawah.. hasan ketawekn aku.. kuang asam kan! then i replied.. : ustaz, at least, saya naek juga ok.. dari orang tu.. hahhahahahahahaha.. kene balek!!! hahaha... at about 2 plus.. we laa got ready to leave the plae and head for singapore.. we? headed to KL.. hahahahhahahahah.. effa wanted to see KLCC so much.. we wanted to also go to petaling street.. but.. couldent find where the hell it is.. hahhaa... we even sesat on the way to klcc..
reached KLCC.. went shoping.. thot of buying this and that.. but wth! its like so out of budjet! ahhaha.. at about magrib.. hassan called us.. asking where we are cos he just reach machap! so slow!!! like 3 hours and u just reached machap?! then we say w at KL and he was like?! wah! tk ajak... hahhahaha.. sebok jer! hahha.... took alot of pictures.. its nice! hahha.. biaserlah.. tengoklah camera saper... .. hahha...
on the way back.. stop alot.. cos all menagatok.. especially driver.. haha.. reached JB at 2 am.. went to singgah new york hotel cos all lapar. then only went back to singapore.. reach singapore only.. wanted to call the 2 friends of mine.. tapi aku tau. kalau aku kol.. knfrom kene maki nyerr. hahahha
reached home at 3.30 am... sleep.. 5.30 dah bangon.. now.. tierd dah thats al..
Wednesday, April 8
last night sleep super early.. was listenign to the klaka things hoping to cheer my self but fel asleep instead.. woke up at 5 am in the morning.. wash up and all.. went out of house straight after subuh prayers. woking.. went all the way to esplanade. went by the broadrick way.. somehow it reminded me of going to school every morning. its like at the same timing and the same route.dropped at broadrick, took 10 and all the way to esplanade. reach there about 7am.. ofice still not opened yet.. alot of stone faces.
by 8, went up to the venue to do all the setup. somehow, i purposely left my phone in the ofice. just dunn wish to bring all those problems with me while working. haiz!~ show was good and easy.. no need to think about LC's, baggage, photography and all... its primary 4 kids. and there was only 35 of them! so super easy...
show ended at 10.15. by 10.30, i was out of the building. do not wish to talk to anyone or anything. just not in the mood. i dont knoe why i am so down. just got no mood. i have another show at 1. dont know what to do.. no mood to do anything! so went home... (waste time on bus journey) came into the house. then i checked my phone. then called back those who deserve to be called back. 25 missed calls. i only returned 4 of the calls.
turned on the laptop. checked my mails and all. had lunch and then got changed and went out again for work. phone kept ringing. cant be bothered to answer. was suppose to reach eplanade by one! but seriousely.. went ito office. go alot of people... straight away went out. went to do my zohor prayers and then went to the venue. like duh i was late! but who cares!~ kak nadiah asked me what wrong. alot asked. thankx for your concern. but sorry, i just got no mood to talk about it. and summore its working time. so better not to talk about it. again, left my phone on purpose.
like mornign show, was easy. but this time was full house. but still no problem, only 2 schools. after the show, since it was a bog group, helped out for the guided tour around esplanade. the students were super rude and was testing my patients. there were sec3 students. its their luck i am representing esplanade. if not, i will be like.. ... ... ... its like with their own teachers also they are rude. summore with us. haiz!~ with the problems in my head, its so hard to control my patience just now.
same, after everything ended, went out straight. before that, used the office phone and returned those cals that deserve to be called back!~... reached home at about magrib, mum stareted to ask alredy.. whats wrong.. bro also showed their concern. but.. haiz~!
sorry my ushers for my attitude just now.
sorry mum, i dont know how to tell you.
sorry dear brother, u'll hear from me soon k? i promise.
i just dont know why this is just getting from bad to worst! i guess i am tierd lah....but people are so self centred! i dont mind you being happy. but, tk perlu seh kau buat gini!~ arghhh whatever lah !~ harap kau bahagia buat nie sumer!~
Tuesday, April 7
entah la ehk.. tk tau lah what is goin on with this world. sometimes i wonder, just why do we suffer and feel so much pain when we never do a mistake. worst still, people misunderstood! dah tu, without thinking or even approaching anyone, you jump to conclusion and suddenly you ... ... ... ... ... next, you will sms people this and that. ya i know this is the time where you sre sensitif, but still, do you think what you are doing is right by making the whole world worried? making the people that love you worried? making your dearest friends worried? is that right? well, to you it may be. kau hidop bukan sorang. be considerate for once!
that was in my mind since last few nights... manusia.. haiz~ ini salah.. itu salah.. semua serba salah. couldent get proper rest thinking of this. on top of that, own problems to face. haiz~ mati lagi senang seh!.. read the blog... made me more worst. haiyo!!! so down!! sooo no moooood!!!! having fever.. flu, not well.. tierd. haiya.. no point talking.. its not asif people will be concerned about me.. like i said.. mati lagi baek!
da bye!
entah la ehk.. tk tau lah what is goin on with this world. sometimes i wonder, just why do we suffer and feel so much pain when we never do a mistake. worst still, people misunderstood! dah tu, without thinking or even approaching anyone, you jump to conclusion and suddenly you ... ... ... ... ... next, you will sms people this and that. ya i know this is the time where you sre sensitif, but still, do you think what you are doing is right by making the whole world worried? making the people that love you worried? making your dearest friends worried? is that right? well, to you it may be. kau hidop bukan sorang. be considerate for once!
that was in my mind since last few nights... manusia.. haiz~ ini salah.. itu salah.. semua serba salah. couldent get proper rest thinking of this. on top of that, own problems to face. haiz~ mati lagi senang seh!.. read the blog... made me more worst. haiyo!!! so down!! sooo no moooood!!!! having fever.. flu, not well.. tierd. haiya.. no point talking.. its not asif people will be concerned about me.. like i said.. mati lagi baek!
da bye!
Monday, April 6
guessed what?! mum dad and bro was on tv? shocked to see that! bro hidded it from me and adek! what the hell!!! well... it was shooting about supportive family on ladies working full time... well.. mum was working for like 5 years already and now then they shoot my mum.. and it mentioned she JUST started work?? tkper.. ahahhaha.... but was soo cool lah! the house look so big? when its small... haha... tkper2. surprise me ryte? tkper.. hahahha.. dad say its coming out again .. cos got english version..*dad speak english?.. hrrm.. wonders..* heheh.. no offened..
well.. just got back from work.. knoe what.. i missed a test last saturday.. i PAID for it! but... haiz.., nevermind... was too busy prering my room and the night cycling smpai terluper.. haha. its over..
woke up this morning for subuh.. last night slept super early.. was on the phone until about 11 then straight fell asleep.. woke up for subuh and did not sleep back.. went to school to settle more attachment things for mates.. stil 20 more students from my cos still no attachment.. haiz!.. class mates managed to be attached easily.. great to hear that.. then from there went off to work.. super slack.. super relexed.. only 1 show going on the whole centre.. so yeah.. by 5.. went home.. on the way.. stopped at broadrick to change bus. but in the end.. lepak with hafiz they all... then syafiq came.. all ex-broadrician. syafiq asked me this stupid question : ko skarang skolah maner?. when we are in the same school.. hahha.. actuali he wanted to ask my class.. y? cos he wanted to knoe if i was in the same class wih bazilah.. haha.. din was ... ... ... ... ... penting to say here.. then met zurina. in bus met mdm swee.. missed her alot seh!! fav teacher all times!!! hahahhaha still remember theose time where i never complete my project, then i come into class. first thing i said: cher, u look so young" when she is 52.. and she'll reply: " yes ansari, what did you din do?" hahahhaha... then i will joke and joke until she say:"ehk you go to the workshop la... go do your artifact".. haha.. then never kena punish! cool.. hahaha.. but then the next day automotically i will submit what i owe her lah.. hahha..
reached home, quickly solat magrib.. and then prepared for blasting.. whoo!!! cool.. cats show under me! but i was aiming "
Kris Dayanti - Live at the Esplanade"but nebermind.. will just try luck and switch slots lo... next that i aim is the Sing Dollar... hrrm.. gonna be another cool one... hahahha
welll since last night slept early.. today dah bleh tdo at 2-3 am.... and and and. also.. some one do not sound herself today.. the whole day.. from morning... din answer her call last night cos was asleep..hmm..
ok doned~
Sunday, April 5
helow there.. lets start from friday
was in school doing all those free stuffs.. then went for lunch at CGH, then off to home.. went by mjd kassim for friday prayers. from there.. accidentally bum into sumone! so unecpectedly.. shocked to see some of my cousins there... memebers was there also.. actually wanted to go out with them.. tapi malas and penat.. wanted to meet some one tapi orang tu skolah. hehe.. so too bad.. went home.. sleep.. thanks to good friends! they disturb my sleep! cant sleep well.. cals keep coming in.. then on the 7th call.. i sounded so mad! and kesian seh .. orang tu tk besalah.. woke up about 4.30 got ready and went to work.. was late.. but who cares.
saturday morning, was sleeping the whole morning... woke up at about 1pm. wasted alot of time here and there. renovated a bit of my room. the desktop area needs alot of help.. so that was it... then at about 4.30, ahmed came over to my house, solat asar went out, met aidil and went over to 4PM for the briefing and all... meet zub over there.. thot he was one of the belia but turn out he was registered by this persone who kindda go against her words.. but .. dah biasa dah.. da lah.. malas nak bebual pasal die... then met this 2 gals by the name of nysa. yeah. both of them. hahha.. briefing ended about 6.30. went back home, changed and got ready, solat magrib..
then wanted to go to east coast.. thanks to zub, nysa2 and aidil, they were super late.. hahha.. but nevermind.. no problem.. was not that late.. reached east coast about 8.45pm.. got our bikes.. i was using adek's bike.. so no renting.. flagged off at about 9.15.. cycled all the way to marina barrage. there were stops here and there like duh! .. haha... reached at about 12.30... mamu dila and family was there following us as ameer wanted to see us so madly.. marina barrage.. went walking2 and rounding2.. then talked about dating and solat were singapore flyer came in.. super merepek... nysa kept asking me and zub tk penat ker.. haha.. took lots of pictures..
then flag off back to east coast park... on the way back was super fun. my group i mean.. zub aidil and adeks were in another group.. their leader was kindda strict.. so a bit boring.. mine was super gyler.. taking pictures at every stop? yelling at police officers? speeding when not allowed to? going on our own ways then kena scold by bro... hahaha...
reach back at east coast at about 3 am.. debrief and all.. then went over to mac and lepak and eat.. then went to tepi laut.. slagg and relex.. 2 person was super happy to have a chance to be at tepi laut.. tk perlu sebut siapa.. hahahhaa.. at about 6 15, mamu dila fetched us.. tompang zub aidil and all untill bedok then we was sent home.. solat subuh and went to sleep..
woke up at about 10, washed up and went then got ready and went for yati's bro wedding.. had alot of funn down there.. forgot all my tiredness.. of cos lah.. ngan wife perr.. hahha.. owh ya! summone was jealous of us! hahahha.. bodoh..
guessed what.. met ashika down there.. i swear aku tk kenal dier.. she was the one who tego me.. hahaha.. then meet her mum and dad.. well... we talked alot.. long tyme never see each other... the previous time was i tynk bai borhan's wedding... yeah2.. well. always meet her at weddings cas her mum is the owner of zita k bridal.. so yeah.. we always meet.. hahha... and summore tadi we worked together alot to prepared the pengantin table.. ahhah...
reached home at about 6.40, solat asar, waited for magrib and here i am.. hahaha... super sleeepy and tierd... but funn weekend i had.. hahaha..hrrm. pictures? later lah ehk.. now malas..
Wednesday, April 1
hahha... reading the title remind me of all the funn and lufters! first persn to kena from was my friend.. hahhaa.. but its so not menjadi.. was just a simple one.. takot dier tros tarok talifon and menangis.. da.. mampos aku. and i found out... actually dier nak kenekan aku.. tapi dier dah kene dulu!! jatoh boi!!! hahahahahahha.. next was my duty manager.. jess.. yvette.. helmy and syahan... cool.. the whole department panic on my command.. then when they found out it was a fool, i kena F and all lah.. hahahhahahah.. cool azman was out of office.. io aimed to kenakn him of all peolpe... but too bad.. hahha.. then next was my mum and then adek.. hahahha..
that was in the night. then in the morning, was suppose to go my friend house to send someting but i forgot about it... then went to school nd did all this and that..waiting for time to kenakn mr martin...hahhaa.. my biggest target.. actualli he kenna about my results already.. but still.. more to come.. malam, will confirm be adam! like DUH!!! siap kau adam.. smpai singapore ajer.. ko kene.. maybe should plen ngan mak dierr.. hehehe..
next up.. yesterday watched winters tale twice.. i just love the whole show. not the play. but the props and productions... its all just so noce. int the afternoon show.. had problems with patrons..... her ticket cost $250, and she was late by 7 mins. next timing we can admit her is another 35 mins. this show, late comers admission point is very strict. and she keep saying she pay so much nd she have no freedom to go in and out? ngamok here and there. i just wanted to yell to her: if you want that freedom, then buy the VIP box ticket. $400.. you are free to come and leave anytime cos its privet boxes! but this? u are in stalls! then wanted to speak to manager... then she keep insisting on refund and she dunn wanna go in even when the admission point is ... but in the end.. she went in, for that while walking in, she yelled vulgarities at me and my usher. in my heart.. i said.. kater jerr nak ni nak tu.. tapi in the end.. masok jugak!
another patron was also like her.. but better.. she was cool.. relex.. she met the manager and talked nicely. she reasoned out with us. she said no point she watch if she missed 45 mins of the play and admitted that its her fault to be late.. talk nicely and all.. there you go.. we invited her come for the night show. donned! easy. she lost nothing compared to that mad women! cakap jer lebih!haha... aniway.. last night was the last night for the winters tale. so yeah...
hrrm something to share.. i met friends with new persone! guess who?! some princess of johor.. cool sia! she din watched the show cos she fin it boring.. so she was outside chatting with me.. cool.. she was my age.. a bout my height too.. but she wore hills.. so yeah.. talked for like 2 hours.. hrrm.. shall tel you something.. i got her ... never-ming.. not important to tell you guys! and she will be backed with her friends next time for CATS.. so yeah.. will be meeting her again.. hahaha.. ok..ansari.. cukop.. hahahahah
*will take note of when their show is :).. korang diam! termasok kau AIDIL!
hrm.. right nnow.. in class waiting for new assignment.. listening to radio.. thi song very nice.. singing it.. cool sia.. and cukop untok memahamkan kepada SESEORANG! hahha.. da..da.. bye!