Monday, March 30
phew. tierd. but cool. have been enjoying for the last few days.. dunnow why.. enjoy2 until last night when i cam across someones blog. read it.. and then read the tag board.. super nonsense! what? you are pushing the blame to me lah nie? haha.. tak heran lah eh! yang penting, you are the one who asked for it. you are the one who decided to say bye. frankly, small things happen, and you decide to say baye. happened a few times alredy. imagine if we did what was plenned.. saying bye whouldent be a problem for you. and and you said: its over. so yeah! asal maseh ungkit2 ehk!.. hahha.. tkper.. tk heran!
last night reached home at 12am. watched The winter's tale. a 3 hours Shakespeare play.. the stage layout i shall say its a super duper wonderful. the Cat 1 tickets cost $350. so service had to kindda double up. go home with kak nadia again.. makin syiok seh.. hahaha.. taking cab here and there.. and the best thing, none os uf are paying! cool kapeer! hahaha. owh ya btw,pay is in already on saturday.. din reliset it.. haha... and adam was not online last night.. i guess duit dah abes '' )....
before that, morning was at maulid. long tyme never go already. after that went to pasar geylang to do some marketing. met ashad and siti there. then went home. changed, solat and went out. went to meet my friend jap.. then off to peninn. took 31 from temp int, sleeping in the bus! tierd. and summore very cold.. lagi sedap :) . droped in front of Broadrick. missed that place.. took 32 and drop at peninn. some how, i dunn like taking mrt anymore. hahha.. expensive leh! and its time consuming. for example, from my house to esplanade, if i take bus to work, its online about 30 -45 mins. but if take mrt, its gonna be like 1 hour++. aniway, bus cheeaper.
saturdays sow was condors. some planet shows.. not interested.. haha.. finished at about 10 plus.. then wento over to ofis,slag and chatted on the phone cos had to wait for theatre show to finish and also for kak nadiah to finish her reports.. then again, went home with kak nadiah.. cabbie again!. this time super cool! the chrysler cab! sedap knoe... the driver was like driving at 120km/h.. road was so clear! ahaha..
today was suppose to go out at about 10 just now to meet my friend.. but post phoned to about 4 + later.. due to last night sleeping at 3.30 am.. i tynk i shall get back to sleep now ryte? hehe.. bye!
Friday, March 27
last night, shall say this morning, slept at 5 am and at 5.30am, woke up and got ready for subuh prayers. then after that went to sleep. i swear to you guys i thot its thursday. thanks to razin, he called me and askend if i am going for the meeting. hahaha.. meeting was canceled last minit! good. haha.. went sleep again. then woke up at 10 30 and this that.. go meet shah and went for friday prayers. after that went to mac to buy lunch. went home and started surfing net and did a few things..
then went to work.. pay slip in.. very dissapointing.. haiz.. what to do.. cantsay much.. money coming in on monday.. cant be too happy aniway.. hahah.. got ready.. was at ODTH... ladies night.. shall say its kindda boring.. then going home.. was suppose to go home with nadiah.. but in the end.. somethin else happen. hahhaha...
reached home, quickly got change.. y? because wanted to go online asap as adam will be waiting.. haha.. i tell i miss that guy seh.. thot of going on skype. but the comp he use is so ... haha.. never mind.. we just chatted online... kesian hym.. he din get a chance to talk to his parents... haha.. then.. ended talk at one am.. he has to sleep.. tomorrow stil have to continue work.. not to worry.. he is safe and happy down there.. haha.. so tommorw need to call his parents and smpaikan all the messages he leave for them..
now.. online... on skype.. with 3 friends.. whoo.. cool seh! easy and free! ken see video summore.. as usual.. video chat with pontianak.. haha.. and also listening to MJ12 now.. cool.. btw. i submitted my story to them... today i aim to sleep at 3 am.. have to sleep! tomorrow go to go maulid.. haha.. must go! ahaha.. ok done
Thursday, March 26
woke up super duper late today. pader hal smalam mlm tdo siand to the max.. 1 am.. and after subuh sleep again .. at about 1 pm.. bro wake me up and irritated me to the max
bro: oi bangon2
me: nanti
bangon... nk gi picnic ak?
nanti.. diam...
bodoh! ko gi ke tak..
startek moving my body
entah lah. tk tau.. kalau ko gi aku tk nk gi
otak kau lah! bangon lah!(started kicking my bed)
gyler! diam lah! (still the ngantok voice)
then silent...
after 10 mins, he pull me up
ko diam bodoh!
then he did it again!!
PALA PISTOL! KOgi mampos BODO! this tyme bingit gyerl
cepat la bangon.. kater nak gi picnic( in the sayag type of tone with touching my body)
PANTAT KAU LAH SETAN! pushed him away
and then he left for the picnic...iwoke up at 4PM!!! lucky was in time for zohor prayers! then log on to computer for a while.. this and that.. got ready and went to work... was late actually..hahaha.. but who cares.. lol.. work was normal..nothing much to say.. came home about 12 midnight.. washed up and all.. went online.. adam was online!!! dunnoe suddenly missed him. haha... chatted a while.. had to sattle somethings for him... tommorow he'll be online again at the same time.. so gonna be online again to talk to him!
owh ya.. was talking to my cousin in london. farid! guess what he is doing now?! he is my age.. and .. and. and... he is a junior pilot!!! Singapore Airlines!!! walau!!! syiok seh! my age leh! hahaha.. talk to them for quite liong..
then after that. sume one sumpah tkder kerje.. scared me out! so iritating.. lucky i know it was nonsens! if not.. i would have been so worrie lah!! bodoh! so tak perlu seh!haha.. now guess what.. i am cideo call on msn with a pontianak.. a bright one.. betol.. not lying...
nothing much to say..
got something ahk.. onli 3 letter
BYE :)
Wednesday, March 25
rest at home.. nothing to do.. just play computer games. then at about 12, bro came back from cycling.. dunnow why lately he so smangat .. hahaha.. the even coming up.. and owh ya.. how to go ahk.. 4th april i working leh. or tell u ppl.. fetch me from esplanade? hahha.. by the time you ppl cycle there, i will have finished my job wad.. hahah...
just played CS alot.. kundda getting bored over it.. can some one recomnd me some games? please.. azman still owes me 3 games! haiz! never see him at esplanade lately.. hahaha..
went out of house at about after zohor to go and fingd router for my aunt.. she wanted it.. so yeah.. did. it.. went to parkway(of all places) then din find any.. only then relise at mjd kassim got wad.. hahaha.. i dunn wanna travel all the way to Sim Lim to go get it... hahaha.. a bit lazy. so yeah.. went over to mjd kassim.. there.. meet up with my friend.. hahha.. was actually searching for another persone.. baut.. lain yang di cari.. lain yang di temui.. hahha.. was a bit shocked to see.. but never owonderd.. took the wrong bus.. wanted to escape from them.. but in the end... took the same bus with me! WTH!!! bodoh! hahhaa.. actualli dari kat busstop.. aku dah dipandang dah.. cumer dier tk cam aku siaper agak.. ahhaha.. so.. SELAMAT!...
bought the router.. cost me $125.. went over to aunts place and fixed it up for them.. did all the configurations.. coool lah sey.. learned something new.. ken block webbies using MAC adresses.. hahaha.. gonna blocy younger bro computer already... so that he wont be on the comp wasting tyme instead of studying... ahha. came home home at about 6.30. got ready for magrib.. tonight i wanna go online... i just want to chek out if some one is onlineas she claims alot about it.. hahhaha.. we will see.. but in till no.. not online.. haha.. well.. wadever!hahha
was on msn with idah.. my SC friend.. guess what.. she is attached.. with who? Amsyar!!! y cousin lah sey! and haikal is there too.. wah! small world.. hahaha and before ending my post.. some one asked me to translate hindi to english.. siow! tynk wad? free translator ahk? or insulting me? hahhaah
Good morning!! just came back from the airport.. went there to sent adam off.. haha . went out oh house after subuh prayers.. took cab cos lazy to wait for buses.. reached there about 6.30 am.. met his parents all.. this that.. took photos and al.. treat him to starbucks.. like finally got a chance to treat him cos he dunn have Singapore currency... hahaha padan muker! haha.. then at about 7.15.. he went in.. so me and his parents went off.. his parents wanted to gif me a lift.. but nk nak seh.. segan aw!.. so sai that i going work. hehe.. then i went home.. met kak ain.. lady red! ahhahaha Lady bug.. ~blueak!~ hahhaha.. now need some sleep.. last nyte never sleep .. was on the phone all the whole night.. hahha

Me And Adam

Adam And his mum and Dad
yesterday was tuesday -like DUH!!- haha... from work went to school in the morning for our group photo takings.. finally we are coming e=to an end of the competition.. had a great time.. photos below

Jia xuan, michell, me, bazilah, razin and adam
Razin, Adam
Me, Mr Martin, Mr Yeo, Jia Xuan
me, Michell, Adam, Razin, Bazilah and jiaxuan
Adam, Razin, Me, Jiaxuan
from there.. went up to office for a while.. shockingly, its closed! haiz! then went to temp mall with adam.. did some shopping... long tyme never see him already.. then had lunch at KFC.. talked alot.. was sharing alot with him.. panjang umur.. someone came in... i was kindda.. errm never mind.. its over.. hahha.. went home.. then rest for a while.. was suppose to leave home at about 5.30.. btu then.. i had to go check out some places for someones safety.. went to tamp area cos that person always lepak there.. then went to kembangan.. to smrset and to dobyght.. no sign of anything.. so went off to work.. .. so much probs at work.. plus had a phone call.. never mind.. then went home... was on the phone with some people..haahahha.. and someone slept super Early.. mcm tk pecaye g2.. hahhaha.. ok donned.. now need to rest.. later going out to get some things donned...d
Monday, March 23
woke up late today. some one said meeting was at 1.30.. at 10 u ring me! hahahaha.. woke up, wash up and all and went to school.. today another off day :) but booked by school :S. haha.. ok.. ryte now... listening to some cool stuffs.. hahahha... having fun luffing men.. cool lah!!!
haha. pranks aside.. i lost someone's blog.. but curretly waiting for her reply so that i ken ask for her blog again.. haiz.. haha.. neverming.. the wholeday in school.. adam finally came back..
someone in class just cant stop luffing.. tk perlu seh the lufter.. hahha.. but nevermond.. let her luff now... wait till next term.. then she'll will start collecting white hairs on her head.. huahuahuahuahuahuahuahuahua...
had lunch at mac .. just dint wanna eat in school.. hahah.. nothing much to update today..
tomorrow got phototakin in the morning.. and i am yet to start on my proposals for Youth day.. haiyo! shall i go on with it? hrrm.. down with one main person already leh.. maybe i'll be doin it as a one man show.. hehe.. pastu aku sendrik stres!...
was suppose to follow adam to GIANT but in the end had to go home.. something came up.. haahahaha... now wanna continue what i am listening just now.. BYE!!!
Sunday, March 22
today's my off day! finally! haiz.. a whole week of working.. a whole week of only 3 hours of sleeping.. has come to an end.. today's my off day.. actuali not so much of off day. its the last day of the mosiac festival. tonight, Naturally 7 marks the end of the whole festival.. time te relax.. hahha... lets start blogging. this morning woke up for subuh, then sleep back. woke up for zohor, then sleep back.. hahahah.. penat to the max!!
morning went for seminar at NEA .. kindda cool.. but i wonde why am i need there. loke waste of time going there.. its like so faaaar.. but then.. the whole afternoon was having a cold war with this friend of mine.. sungguh.. it just pissed me off... ya.. u may have your right of words. yes you are right. but havent you ever considerd of even wonder the position i was in? have you ever wondered? it seriousely pissed me off.. summore the war was for the past few days.. just had no mood for anithing.. but then.. never mind.. just forget it..its over.. hahahaha then went home.. got changed, went out againg. meet up with some friends for a super early dinner.. made a new friend. Khairul nizam.. well a very good nice guy i shall say.. erm.. ok no more puji. later ader orang tu excited.. hahaha.. went to eat at mcdonalds. chatted alot and then went off at about 6 pm.. went home.. changed again... this time mum was like nagging to the max.. nagging kos the ahole day all i did is come home, change, go ot again.. rumah mcm hotel.. hahhaahaha... then waited for magrib.. then went out straight away.. cos wanted to go shopping.. and guess what! Aldo is on SALE!!! 50% off lah SEH!!! walay! ken i request for early pay?! please!!!! ahhahaha.. or at least gimmie 200 bux! then went to work.. show was HELL!!i swear!! it was SKA !!! i swear kat dalam situ was like HELL! haiz.. tapikan . the music was nise.. suddenly i like those musics .. hahha.. hoping to see them nex year..maybe back at HMC.. hahah.. went home at 3 am.. took cab with kak nadia... pity her seh.. dlam tksi jugak dah telelap..
mornign went to east coast park to complete some projects..... hehhe... after that went solat jumaat at mjd kpg siglap. then went to school to meet mr martin.. finishing up the website.. finally our webbie is about to be doned!!! cool. super nice.. hope to win... owh yah.. comgratulaitons to adam.. heard the good news.. adam was sooo happy.. hahaha.. and now.. looks like bazilah is gonna grow alot of white hair next term.. ahhaha.. konfer stress gyler nyer tu pompan.. ahaha... from school, went home jap, took a nap... then went out to work....i was at teatre.. Kumar strip bare and stading up. kak ain went for the show also.. well.. that kumar.. what else does he do other that tickling people ... actualy he one stuborn guy... opps.. person.. hahaha.. suppose to go on stage by steps.. but he! climbed on to the stage! hahhahaha.. syiok beb! azman was ther.. thos he will spy.. hahah.. owh.. kak ain seat was reported for phototaking.. but to hell with it lah.. she said she took photo of her self.. so it should be alright...
was suppose to go to school at 10 am to meet up with mr martin.. but in the end i told him i couldnot make it.. was sleeping on my bed lah! penat tau! so he agreed.. aniway.. no rush as we are meeting other members on monday instead .. so yeah.. woke up only for zohor.. then siap2 went to skate park to continue with project work.. was there till about 5.30.. then went toff to work.. and! when i was about to go off for work! something stopped me! SUPER SHOCKED(x100)... pastu stare kat orang semacam! called and informed someone about something.. it dragged until i reached my workplace.. sometimes why is the world unfair to people who do not deserve to treated like that.. but never the less.. '' allah tak akan menguji seseorang itu lebih dari kemampuannyer".. be strong.. you will be able to face it.. stay strong ok.. back to topic, i was at theatre again.. it was the opening of kumar show... nothing much happened.. reached home.. purposely turned off my phone.. cos i knoe someone will call me.. and if syafiqAh calls.. then she wont sleep.. but in the end.. i am the one who cannot sleep.. turned on the phone at 3 am and there you go! she did call me.. hahahha.. kesian ahk .. haiz..
nothing much.. had day shows but was in the office all the way.. until night. opened emails for the 2nd time for the week.. flooded! hahahha...
Whole mornign was in school working closely with mr martin compiling all the things together and touching up the webpage.. a few more to go and we will be doned to show the rest on thursday (which changed to monday)then had to attend a meeting mith my gvn.. which to me.. its so tk perlu! buang maser jerr! then after that rushed off to work ...
same as tuesday.. working on the website.. hahaha.. okok... doned..
one week update in one day.. now.. gotta go cut hair.. stress!!! hahahahha
meet you all later...
tonight gonna sleep early.. tomorrow got to go school at 8 am.. have to do the website as the other members will be coming at 1.40...... .. hahhaa...ok.. bye!
Thursday, March 12
intensive studying for 2 days. CPM.. the only subject i have hopes on to pass... learnt new things in just 2 days.. have to say alot alot thanks to friends who was there together assisting each other..
tuesday went to downtown after zohor. was kind of early. and met afiq there!! for the first time, yat was not there with him.. hahaha.. hardy was there too.. shocked to see them lah.. joined them for lunch while waiting for friends to come.. did alot of catching up.. yea will be going out with them soon. while lunch, was messaging syafiqah. hady was so KEPO! he read all the smsss while i go get my food.. actually he is one perampas lah.. hahah. he want to knoe who this syafiqah is! he took one already...bodoh! ahaha
frens came, joined them. studied all the way until about 6.. aiz and gang came down.. just said a simple hi to them.. abotu 6.30 went of for asar and magrib prayers.. met faez there! hahah.. that guy never change.. foerver merepek to the max! ahha.. after magrib..came bakc to downtown continued studying until abot 9 and went home.
reachend home aroung 9.30.. chatted over the phone and msn until about 3 am.. somtimes.. just by talking to peaple.. things can change.. change realy alot.. friends can make wonders.. miricles can happen.. haiz~...then went to sleep. woke up for subuh and did some revision where fell asleep again! woke up at about 9.30.. and relised i am gonna be late! went out of house at 10.15 and exams starting at 11! took cab to school.. no choice.
exams was ok.. got abit worried for adam.. couldent locate him where he was.. no sight of him at all! and i am still not convinced that he came for the exams! its like i did not see him at all! call pon tak jawab... no one could locate him.. haiz!
paper was good.. shall say i will be able to atleast pass? good enough... ahah..after paper, i sms this person.. was a bit dissapointment... i mean.. come on lah.. i told you the truth ok.. and sorry to say this.. u declared who we are. but are you are the one going against you words.. just tell me the truth lah! there is just no need to create million and one excuses.. haiz~shall say its quite disspointing lah.... went over to ahemd house.. he was suppose to come to my school! bt that bugger woke up at at 1 pm.. then went over to aunts place to sattle somethings... proceeded home.. was supose to go tamp.. but tak jadi.. too tierd.. was at home chating on the phone night went out lepak kejap with budak2 bawah blok. came home.. continued chatting on the phone until 3am! buat apa mau tdo siang! ahhahaahaha.. actuali alot to talk about and think about.. cumer last few days because of exams, we never talk about it.. now after exams! lets talk about it!!! hahahah
ryte now i am waiting for my god bro to fetch me.. janji kol 10... dah nak kol 11 da.. ade da abang! ahahha.. nothing to day today.. will be taking care of my mak angkat later in the afternoon.. so nothing to do.... shall play CS.. and get sick of it.. no! shal sti down and study!!! hahaha.... study what ehk? ader ahk.. 7 april is the test.. hope to pass it at the first time.. ahha..pray for me yeah....
listening to this song Camelia by irwansyah.. nice song seh.. hahah.. cool.jiwang.. ahha
Monday, March 9
boring right now and nothing to do. so blog lo! actually suppose to study. but ... ... ... ... hahhahaok, exams! was super sux just now! NWT paper. imagine one situation. a 20 marks question, and i gae only 7 sentence of answers. and you expect me to pass? haha.. alot of the things i studied well NEVER come out. and i skipped some points just so that that i can go on to router config and all.. guess what! nothing on configs came out. SO IRRITATING.. and the best part, i read the notes. i memorised! but un able to figure it out! haiyz.. nevermind. its over.. aim marks for that paper? 20%.. ahaha..after the exam, went to downtown and studied with mates. revised CPM.. coverd alot.. haha.. i have the question were we have to determine the probability of driver reaching home safely.. haha.. abit confusing.. how i wish i can write this on the exam paper: "life and death is in the hands of GOD.. and not for us to determine!"haah... now i have to work on the algo questions... i love the binary and hexas questions .. its like give away.. haha.. so syiok.. another that i like is the bbl sort and the exchange sort. cool lah sey! alot..alot alot to study for CPM.. i mean revise and practice.. ahha.. tomorrow going downtown again to continue studying with mates...
went off from there at about 6.30, dropby mjd to solat asar and magrib and then headed home.. met faz and gang in the bus.. resulted us in slacking for a while.. haha.. dunno lah.. lately i have been lepak'ing alot... just had the intrest to do that.. i mean its time to have funn seh.. haha.. reached home at about 9 and realised i missed my BLASTING!!! WTH ahk!!!.. haha.. tkper2. i'll be busy with my attachments and all. and owh ya!! i passed something.. haha. so happy.. but cant share it here.. will share on 21 august yeah? haha..
home, never do any studying.. just relaxing my mind.... AZMAN owes me ALOT! hell lots of GAMES! hahhaahahhaa... shall get it SOON! ahhahah... waiting for my NFS and MOT 2007 which will be coming soon...
owh ya.. i tynk after the exams we class mates shal go out together.. cos nex year we may be in different class also.. so yeah... haha... hrm.. go where ehk.. haha.. dat one one side.. on my mind ryte now, after exams, i have alot to do... listed it all down on my dairy.. some shopping's to do also... all have to be doned befor 5 april.. and ya 5 april, yati bro getting married.. haha.. alot of weddings coming up..5 of friends getting married this year.. cool ehk..... famili like senyap jerr... haha.. lol..
kk.. doned.. until here.. need go sleep already... bye!
Sunday, March 8

Frist of all, happy birthday to you! hahaha..
last night was a celebration for her at pasir ris park. heard it was suppose to be a suprise but in the end heard that she knew right from the start. hahah.. nothing much to say. i was not there for the party.
just read todays horoscope, wasso sarcastic! mcm mengenekan aje....was working last night. quite troublesome last night. alot of unreasonable partons! they were late and yet! at least i admited them into the hall ok! even if its at circle 3! i still admited you! but still you go against and demande for a seat that ha better view! halo! u are late! never mind.
saturday mornign i managed to wake up morning, went for maulid. then after that went studying at mac with nadz. had lunch there. a few times being chased away by the staff but we stubonly sat there with mp3 blasting our ears giving the impression that we hear nothing. hahaha. so mean. any way the place was empty wad!
then went off to work fom there. drop at city hall and went to starbux for a while and went to esplanade with kak lisa... forgot i have not done my asar prayers, quickly went to productions room, solat, rushed back to office, get changed, rushed to venue, walkie faulty! went back to office. but this time i took my own sweet time... no one can contect me mah.. ahhaha...
reached home about 11, washed up and then went to do some updates on laptop.. watched tv and hen plenned to sleep by 12. hahahha.. in the end, slept at 3 AM!! .. was on the phone.. ala.. dah biaser da..
this mornign after subuh, sleep back... then woke up at 12.. trok ehk? haha.. what to do... after zohor, sat down intensively revised
owh ya.. friday while working OT .. wanna now what was the show? was "noise by singapore".. a series ofmeet azhar khairul and all... they were there right infront of me.. but i nevee relised that. hahaha.. until they shouted "ANSARI" ,which i found a bit orbit' hahaha but i still responded. slacked with them for a while... ngah kerje tau.. brani ehk. hahha.. ala.. VO pon "lepak" seh..
tomorrrow exams.. haiz..
Monday, March 2
nothing much happen today. right now waiting for blasting. hope to get slots like the last time. hehe. money is needed this year beb! alot of activities coming up. hahaha.. worst! the us trip if win.
woke up late this morning. reach school at 9.35, went to office for a while. on the way, heard my manager saying "is ansari in" immediately i made a u-turn and headed for class. hahahaha. i owe him receipts! hahaha
went to class. change of locations. paisey. went to the wrong class. sat in class and completed the final onlie test. boring! as usual, searched for answers online.. who in the world would do the test without the answers! hahah
that was it.. class ended, went to office, and did some afther event work, and went out for lunch. guess who i met on the way.. bella farahin and aidil.. aidil was as per normal.. menarik seseorang.. hahahha.. tapi he said he dunn wan to see the face.. tapi mencarik jugak! bodoh! then solat zohor and was back to office, studied the whole day. concentrated on programing.. which i will fail aniway. hahaha... then did some notes writing for networking.
was scroling yat's phone, found out something! he trying to steal my wife! kuang asam! hahahahah... jgn kacau dier lah! da lah ari tu shah nak rompak dier.. hahahahah... we will see who wins.. hahahaha.. ala.. aniway.. 6th batch is coming already wad.. so yeah.. some are on my mind already.... hazelinda! one of them.. but must appoint mother first...tapi hazel susah.. adam dah mcm booking .. haha.. maybe sabrina? haha.. ehk aper nie! dah..dah..
went out of office at 5.30. slag at cafe 1 jap since it was rainig heavily.. had dinner there also. then in the bus was talking aout shah's so called "wedding" with yuni. mcm paham! konon wedding at tamp staduim with mr andrew as GOH! WTH!!! "actruari ahk" . hahah so popular... was very kecoh in the bus. haha.. saw fadilah at temp int. tak sempat tego aniway.. hahah
reach home at about magrib, now just finish blasting. got 6 slots.. ok lah tu.. alhamdulillah.. haha.. ok..ok now on the phone wif aidil.. and got to study soon. bye
Sunday, March 1
Wednesday mum and bro went to KL with cuzzies.. for holiday! Thursday was a full day out for me. was out of home at 7 am... school.. maths was in the morning. after that had a m ind of going home. but if i go home, thats it. its sleeping time.. ahha. so stayed in school. then went to complete I think i hve no more hope for programming anymore.. haiz.. haha.. so i was doing my VBP al the way. at about 4, we went out to giant, ikea, courts.. shopping for our event tomorrow. Apriciation night. hahah... guess how much we spent? 250! when we was given only 200? hahah no one cares!hahaha... then solat asar at ikea surau. after that, sat in surau waiting for magrib. here is what happen. KECOH !!! hahaha... me and adam pakat and sindir-ed shah. i mean.. we are 5th batch, shah is 4th. so he is our senior. he was givin advices and we took it as he looking down on us.. so he was kindda super irritated lah! ahhaha.. he lanyak us! hahahaha.. fun lah seh!
after magrib headed to courts to get some things. saw this super small vaio laptop. its super ringan oso! it can fit into ladies handbags.. hrm.. maybe shall get one for mum.. then in bus oso she can play.. after the roundings.. penat alredy.. the thot of taking taxi home was in our minds! hahahaha but then headed to tamp.. went to have dinner at long john silver.. after that while walking to temp int, met sue! of all people!!!!! dalah cabot skolah satu hari! and got the chick to say "Don't know how to go home is it?" halo gal! at least we go jalan2 oso.. its part of school work!!! hahahahahha
then at temp int oso meet them AGAIN! adam pantang nampak prety gals.. sue's younger sis was there.. ika.. adam tepikat! haiz..haiz.. kesian sya... lol.. me and shah took the same bus.. we brought home most of the things as adam saty far... its relly kecoh carrying 7 plastic bags each! reach home, solat isyak and SLEEP!
FRIDAY! our event day... i reach sch at about 9 am... prepared alot of things... then at about 11.30.. went to TM to do last minit shoping again.. hahaha.... then went to soalt jumaat. after that heded home... got changed and all... imagine ehk.. me and adam are the 2 event manager... event starting at 6.30 pm.. but at 3, where are we? home... taking our own sweet time.. Galvin, our chairmen, thot he ken act like one event chairmen and took over alot of things.. until he fight with the manager. Galvin knoes nothing about the event.. he is just there to act big! when i came, at about 4.30. i heard hu ha every where. galvin said this to me "nevermind an, i have sattled everything" i was like REALLY? u are so capable one ahk? hahahhahaha.. so.. went down to the venue. GUESS WHAT! nothing was doned! ahahha.. i expected it aniway.. hahaha
so i got all moving and prepared.. then adam came.. all went well, galvin was so noisy on the walkie... stupid to the max i shall say... banyak bebual.. tapi keje tak siap.. tongang langang! Gala came down to help me with somethings but then the plen fail... so gala slag in the office seceretly... at about 10, the event ended. do you know who went home first? Galvin! not that i am angry.. i love it! hahaha.. each and everytime, i have been praying for him to be gone... if he is gone forever still better.. i mean it... when the venue was sattled, i chased adam home.. its already 11 and if he dosent go home now, he wil reach home at one.. and there wont be busses...the office part i will do... nadzirah and shah accompenied me.. we went off at about 12. since we stay very close, we lepak2 at mac around pur house.. went home at 1.30 am.. hahaha
saturday afta subuh, slep again.. woke up at 2 pm! hahahahah..... evening was working.. hahah... after a long time not wearing formal shoes, felt abit pain.. hahah...
now its sunday.. gonna solat zohor... and.. gonna sleep again.. hahaha