Monday, February 23
just came back from kals agama... today was a slaking day for me and mates.. morning afta subuh slept again and woke up at 8.30 and relised i will be late for school if i don't get up now! hahah. good thing reached school on time. actually if late also makes no difference. the main core for the day starts at 10:30. Programing Test. it sux to the CORE! how i got trough the paper, its my way. Adam was on my mind, we are lik in the same position. hates programing aNd networking. exams around the corner and guess whats my aim for this semester's GPA..... 0.2 yes! hahahaha.. rabak ryte? its the same as not coming for the exam... lol.. but what to do? in class i am like "switch off in most lessons.. ahha
after the test, went to lepak for a while cos phone was with adam. y? hahah . ada ahk.. haha then slack at SAC kejap.. i did not go to office.. just got no mood to go there. after adam came, gala and gang went off.. after a few mins, i went off also. skipped all othe lesson.. solat zohor at mjd kassim aand offf to aunts place. set up all the internet connections, configurations.
friday in the eventing went to get new laptop for my aunt... then went to temp mall jalan2. reach home like at 1 am... all was asleep and i had to wait for bro to come back pasal he din bring house key... guess what time he came home? 2 am! thankx bro! besok pagy, woke up early.. have to go for maulid. 2 weeks i never go already. after maulid, went out again.. this time, guess what time i came home. the next day at 8 am... mum was SUPER shocked i was not at home the whole night.. din sleep the whole night too.. hehe.. she was pissed off.. but cant scold me cos i came home, changed and went out again... went to orchard hotel.. after that went home at 1 pm... after zohor went out again. mum was on her nerves...
owh ya, some one was super duper pretty.. ahha. tk sangker seh! lol.. so the lawa!haiz...haiz...haiz.. cant forget u men... we went to city hall, bugis n then to plaza sing.. met hariz cos we bought book at times since hariz work there, got 10% discount.. heheh... hhariz joined us for dinner.. chated alot. irah was kindda lost cos we were talking about sec sch days and also alot of programing stuffs.. ahhahah...then came home again at 7 pm. this time, mum din allow me out.. i was to explain everything to her.. ahhaha.. mcm investigation seh. lol..
and now.. i rely2 need sleep.. bye...
Wednesday, February 18
a week passed by.. filled with too much things. Sleeping time was slashed. for 4 days reach home at 11.30pm... and went out of house at 5.45 am... subuh was in the office. rabak ehk? well what to do? thats life. was sleeping in the bus just now on the way to temp int.. some one woke me up in the bus cos i was still sleeping when reach interchange. very tired. very very tired. no time to sleep. exams coming. 4 project deadline coming. one of them just started. PROGRAMMING!!! stupid java codes! so much of getting A for last semester.. haiz...
lets talk about valentinesday celebration. it was a successful events. well, even there was last minute things.. still thank god i manage to solve it. the crowd was good.. my event seceded!!! and alot of thankx have to go not to m but to the members.. without them, this event may not be successful. hrm.. one thing about us. as in the executive committee, wee have alot of conflicts among each other.. each committee. but on the day of event..still we pull through successfully. hrm.. ... and ow yah. i got a wack from adam and aidil... thanx AR!!!! but actualli i deserve it.. i sabo them.. hahaha... but they got fererro rocher thankx to me!! hahahha... ain and nia.. i was expecting a boo from the crowd.. not that i am looking down on them. but this is their first time preforming.. they are so nervouse.. but then... hahaha.. sadli event presented flowers to ain... hrrrm... whats up ehk? haha...
now after the celebration... reports have to be doned.. reviews.. feedback.. haiz... GS chasing me already.. cash is still with me.. haaha...
friday. in the morning was hard to get up in the morning... had a mind of sleeping the whole day.. mybe sleep forever and never to wake up.. hahahahah.. but DEAREST mum was on te top of her voice. :-S so no choice.. anyway i have a class test... test was ok ok lah.. programing! haiz! i cant wait for the term to end and i can like 'to hell with programing' but that is if i pass the module.. i fail... i have to retake even if i go into multimedia! after friday prayers, was suppose to comeback for project work. guess where i went.... went to meet my bed.. hahahahahhahahahaha!!!! and turned off my phone :P hahha.. woke up at 5.30. Shahirah called. i am needed at esplanade... at first was lazy to go.. wanted to continue sleeping after magrib. but takper lah.. since they are kind of down.. go on lo... did OT... reach home at like 12?? ya.. i tynk so...
saturday morning never go for Maulid.. hehe.. was sleeping.. then did all the necessary work.. studied alot.. but nothing went into my stupid brains! ahhaha.. at night was at RCTS.. cool lah seh!! tom jones, clif richard, engelbert humperdink, rick martin, mark anthony... their voices. all combined into one man singing.... FOOH!!! the band was superb! especially the sont I need to Know by mark anthony. patrons stood up and danced on th stage! the music was sooooo.... speechless...good..good..good. was suppose to end at 9.30. but thankx to the patrons, encore had to be done. it was for ONE HOUR!!! wow! haha.. but never mind...they are good.
sunday? early morning was at vivo city... KBCC YEC had a kent ridge walk.. ok lah it was fun.. but tiring lah... then after the walk went to hort park... hah.. we did our youth jumps...Check out the picx
here advisor saw it and wanted try it.. hahaha.. coool lah sey! then makan at 527 and headed home..

monday school was as per normal. malam klas.. lately we have been learning about nikah, tunang... alot ahk.. dah jadi mcm kursus perkahwinan.. haha.. because kak yanti is getting arried soon.. so hassan took the chance to huraikan satu per satu.. so yeah.. can say i am pre pared already.. any one wanna be my bride? hahaha.. macam paham! hahahah
tuesday.. hahhaa.. school... after school.. petang.. from school.. went over to somewhere.. for what? no need to noe. hahaha.. aand at that somewhere, met Zaki! like...SHIT LAH! haiz.. but who cares! gi mampos arh! alll i can say.. had sooo much fun last night.. smapi naek salah bus.. sesat sesat. tapi fun.. hahha.. FUN!!! hahhahaha.. ok..ok.. chill.. we will be going more soon.. hahah..
ok.. now.. after the 23 Feb, must get sick.. so that ken go tamp polyclinic.. heheh.. y temp ehk? hrrm.. ok bye!
Monday, February 9
A busy weekend i had..
friday was our annual work plan.. finally its over.. well, found alot of interested members.. wanted to start office asap.. but they have to wait till about november.. but i dunn mind if they run events now... at lease its a stepping stone while we are still here.. haha.. presentation.. THANKS AHK NEW PPL!!! go present soooo much events for project committee.. think wad?? me and adam nothing else to do then running event ahk? BoD! at the end, food was good.. someone kapo my pack food! hahaha went home fast as got appointment.. and guess waht? i left $250 CASH! on my table... CASH!!! lucky wan was there.. haiz!!
saturday... woke up early.. went to office to complete some work... alone in the office with yat.. blast lagu.. syiok to the max! ahhaa... then adam came.. about 2 plus.. took cab to pasir ris sec for soccer match... it was suppose to be SC against another team.. but i am very dissapointed ahk... u ppl chase m and adam to fix a match.. but when we have a match. only 5 came! thanks to zahid and saiful.. we had back up players.. we won anyway... after that.. took cab to pasir ris east cc for the celebrate love thing.. was suppose to report by 6.. but in the end.. the whole thing started late.. shall say its a lil kindda failure ahk.. only like 25 came for the whole celebration? and as for us? easy job ahk.. haahhaha.. but as SC... we are well known for "merepek" and "kecoh" the place was like so noisy.. ahahhaha... the whole celebration ended... and outside the CC.. we had a short SC meeting.. kat tepi jalan.. rabak ehk? haha.
came home at 1 am due to some time lepak2.. hahaha.. afta suboh at 5.30, sleep again.. and mum woke me up at 6.30 saying: "gi pasar!" and i was like NO! i'll go at 9.. hahaha .. tierd know! ahahahaha...but in the end.. went at about 10 +.. ran to pasar.. cepat2 buy things.. went home.. changed... went out o collect something.. then wen t to tanjing katong go meet gala to pass her the cook book.. and she claims in front of her friends : tengok nie. aku buat aw..." and her kawan percaye! then rush to eunos interchange... top up card and went to supermarket to check out somethings.. then was off to mjd hj md saleh for the appreciation lunch... found out something from efa.. OMG!!! its so like.. ok..ok.. hahaha... time changes girl.. haha so yeah.. we wil see how it goes.. hahahha..after that.. had a short chat while otw to paya lebar... thanks for sharing that with me... then went off to work... hahaha.
i was the only guy at RCTS... and dah sah azman jealous! ahahhahaha... wad! u tynk u AM i scared ahk.. hahaha.... from what i know.. RCTS tak perlu AM.. yang ko sebok2 pat saner asal... hahahhahahaa.....i gave mar the science centre ticket... haha.. smangat seh! hahah.. came home at about 11... family celebrated my bro's birthday at home.. it started after i left home... and ended before i came home.. :( .. all was asleep when i reach home...celebrate tak jempot seh! tkper..tkper...
kindda fought with someone over sms. that ended my day last night.
Thursday, February 5
Read today's horoscope... coooool gyler!!! so the kene with me!!!.. ahhah.. well.. lets wait ans see yah.. haha...hrrm... Yesterday;s was bro's birthday.... .... .... .... ..... happened and ...... ... ... .. so.... ... ... ... .. but then was not good choice. then went over to.... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .. home. i went back to .... .... .... ... ... .. ahhahaha.. sorry yeah ppl.. dunn wanna say it out down here.. ahha..
ok.. moving on to next topic. had a very bad sleep.. well of cos! who would be able to sleep with your arm wrapped with plastic!! each night have to sleep with arms wrapped! at bandage pon ok ahk.. ni tak.. plastic seh! what a Doctor!!! takperr.. takperr. atleast i see some improvement! ahahha..
yesterday during NWT class... work was easy.. haha.. so we chated alot! YES!!! retribution! (at first, ader orang tu merajok ngan aku... merajok rabak to the max seh... mcm budak kecik... hahhaha...but klaka ar dektu merajok.. abeh nak step blaja FTT.. hahah) ok.. talking about retribution... we sensed something is not going right.. first, we just act cool.. but then, we decided to make things worst.. lets make it for REAL and make the hell out of it.!!! yes!! in the process... hahahaha! But teacher suspected already.. but who cares! you just do not know who you are dealing with ok!.. :)
S.W this mornign... went to school late. normally go school at 7-8 am.. but this morning, fell asleep after subuh. and dad did not wake me up. he wanted me to rest. ahahah.. but still i woke up at 9.30. lucky not late for any lessons.. hahaha.. so S.W. played badminton.. yeah... favourite!!! lol...
then wash up... lunch was nasi ayam blak pepper... nice2.. then went for CPM... guess what.. forgot to bring my book.. hahahah.. rabak ahk.. rushing seh!!.. during CPM was updating each other.. i kind of like CPM.. thats where nonsens ken come out.. ant the teacher can even layan us.. we were updating each other bout all ... then i went down to offis jap... woohooo!!! got the money.. its all in my hands.. .. farah, i prepared a letter for u already.... aidil.. i need ur receipt or u want the cash first? Ain.shal we go buy the stuff? when? ... ahha cool...
after maths.. went to ofis kejap.. solat.. then i my chairmen went off.. hahha. ape lagy.. aku pon cabot ahk... on the way back i went to block 461... irritating bugger! make me go all the way there and then you sleep! on the way back.. saw this 'mat rep' all in blask. walking towards me... keept staring at me.. smiling at me.... turns out to be my adek.. hahaha... so different!.. he was going for tuition.. how come he in that area.. biaser lah.. jumper member.. hahah.. tell your mother then you know!
ok.. tomorrow... long afternoon planed!.. Annual workplen! haiz~.. stress!
need early sleep... and also need to wrap hand with PLASTIC!!! PATHETIC
Tuesday, February 3
yesterday was too moody.. kept changing mood.. do notknow what went wrong.. haiz~~~ .. here i would like to say sorry to those who called and sms me .. but i never respond.. but actually at 12 pm i did respond.. hehehe.. lol.. ok.. yesterday was moody. today was opposite.
GUESS WHO I MET IN THE MORNIGN!!!! at temp int!!! OMG!!! until now i cant forget the looks. woooohoo.... ahmed, what did u di huh? amaciam she ken berubah in like 2 months?? wow.. cant forget the image.. aku tak kenal die LAH!!!in the morning, first thing i did was go see my manager.. had to make sure the area i want to use is available on the 12.. while talking to hym, his phone rang.. our director called... tros aku cabot .. hahahahha.. because drop my director an email about the 12 feb event cos my manager mcm tak uat keje.. so ...hahahha...kene marah lah tu manager aku.. ahhaha.. padan muker was SO GYLER!!! but fell sick in the end again! annual workplen nearinf.. its this friday!! and the youth forum is still not up yet.. and.. conflicet between 2 dance groups .... i am the one who will suffer! i need them to peform on the 12!!! i cant possibly get a last minit dance group!!
CPM!! imagine how much i got?! 45?? hahah.. actually its good enough. its a killer chapter.. what do you expect. i stil remember what mr tan said... hahaha.. i hold you words MR TAN TECK HOCK!!! ahhahahaa.. owh ya! met farhan while otw to CPM class.. sam.. menyakat each other.. and.. yeah.. he was like "ansari dah maju sehh.." and btw farhan, the caling name "ansari" dah tak exist!! ahhahaha.. dah upgrade dok! bukan mcm kau.. samer jerr.. ahhaha
we gossip a lil bit about maisarah.. hahah.. since she was the latest i saw after soooo long.. ahhaha... and ow ya.. he saw me and gala and he was so wanting to know gala siaperr. hahaha.. blah ahk!! khai pon samer.. nampak gla jerr dah minat. hahha.. paderhal eya lagy lawa dari GALA!! sory gala ;). hahaha
VBP lesson was doing PM presentation.. slept late last nyte thanks to in.. and then went to office... skipped lecture.. hahha.. and how did i record class attendance? easy. use office phone, called gala. tel her to read out the names that were present in that room.. Easy.. hehehe..completed the tickets printing mean while.. and my chairmen kindda getting better.. alhamdililah.. now.. i got big high hopes. hahaha.. WOHHOO!! haha.. skipped lunch.. haha.. but got a lil bite for alas perot.
saw rudy playing this game. kindda boring ahk.. but a lil syiok ahk.. ahhah... then gala and razin came to my office and then we all went for PM.. Adam and Wid were not in school today.. both not feeling well.. adam needs a break actually... he has been too busy with everything.. and he stays in Yishun.. so you could imagine the traveling tyme.. so is wid...
at PM.. ready to present. and know what the teacher said.. next week presentation.. i was like?? shouldn't have rush trough.. ahhaha.. so was doing some other activities.. actually copying things from slides ahk... Guess what? had a super great time with gala.. she reminds me of those pri/sch days were me and friends Will like challenge who copy faster.. ahha.. super gyler.. lufing loudly in class and all..
YoHa!!.. 2 of us... gyler2 to max nyer max!! JaToH bOi!!! . cekgu pun malas nak layan.. ahhahaha.. owh.. nak ngok gala ak? go to youtube.. there is a recording of her.. hahha.. nak promote buku kononnyer.. ahhahaha.. and if u ken hear a guys voice, its razin.. hahaha..... go.. go see.. i dunn want to put the link.. nanty kene cekik nga si jemuran tu.. ahhahahahahaha.. syiok sehh!!!! hahahah.. and si gala nie kan. dah log in kat msn orang, tak tau nak log out!!! multiply dier pon samer!!! naseb i never coment on others nyer page! da sah GALA!!!
went home straight after PM.. suppose to singgah somewhere.. but to lazy and too tierd... so went home.. solat and then the bed looks toooo attractive.. hehe.. not my fault. was about to fall asleep and a call woke me up! want to rest also cannot! haiz~.. managed to get some sleep after that.. turn off my phone.... tonyte, gonna work on Oracle work.. and TOMORROW is WEDNESDAY.. read my previouse post... i did say about wednesday..hehhe.. we will see how it goes.. oww... cant wait men!
before i go... i need all your support... please support this event.. its a fund raising ehent.. please... please..please..
call me for more info.. please please..please..please support.. its only $5...

till then, see you.. ahhaha
Sunday, February 1
saturday!! woke up so early when i slept so late the night before.. haha... the whole day was at home doing my PM work!!! its like so backdated.!!! i see my self rushing trought the project on monday night... hahha.. lol..
petang was working.. otw, gala called me... hahaha.. was suppose to meet her at esplanade.. no.. not meet... but see her at esplanade.. haha.. bt in the end.. suro aku gi RC starbux!!! pla hotak kau!!!! ...and YAY!! mum folowed me to work! managed to show her how was my work was... she saw the uniform on me.. and she met some of the staff.. and also manager azlina.. guess waht azlina said : mak kau mcm eurasian ehk! puth siak!!
and i was like.. mesti ahk.. ahhaha.. shahirah also sadi the same thing.. me and shahirah are the only 2 indian muslim in esplanade so far.. ahhaha.. and she said the same thing also.. actually mum wanted to go for chingay.. but she dunnow how to go.. he seat was at area 4.. sebelah esplanade.. then aunt came.. and cousins (mirza and nurul) so then went to chingay.. i went to work.. something happen at work.. i was so held up lah!!!
after work, met mum and group again.. the kids was with me.. ahha... i was wearing jeans and formal shoe.. gueas what nurul said to me...
" bai, asal bai pakai kasot pengantin?" hahahahahhaha.. mum was so lufing at me.. hahha. budak2.. mestilah dey tak paham.. hahaha.. then we went to hong bao river.. bought makan ... some how...nurul reminds me of bazilah.. heheh.... they so look alike lah!! rambot.. and all.. maybe when she grow up, same look.. JaToH bOi!!! and then aunt and kids went off. me and my mum.. we jalan2 around there.. syiok.. we talk alot... mcm dating gitu... hahaha.. then went home in a taxi.. i so the malas to take bus or mrt.. hahah.. lagy pon dah penat...
reach home.. solat and everything and was on the bed.. on the phone sampai kol 2 pagy.. ahhaha.. and went to sleep... and owh ya!!! talk to ilah already.. hrrmm... whats in for wednesday,, hrrrm.. woner.wonder..wonder.. jagn marah ehk kalau anything happens.. like i said.. no one will escape from me *evil lufter* kk.. gtg. bye..