i got new brotherhood....... THE BUGGERS!!! hahaha.... chris created it..lolz... who wanna join?
BAD NEWS!! my competition classes has to be cut down! instruction from HQ! and the selection test is 2 weeks from now?! projects are also given till that date!... HAIZ...HAIZ..HAIZ...Its been a verry busy week for me. Hrm. No time for my self? Well have to put thyat aside for while. What is important must come first ryte? A lot of things happen these few days.
the house has become a lil silent without her. normally she is the main attraction of the house. even at the corridor.. yeah.. she will lie right in the centre of that big space.....miss her so much. But then,... life goes on as per normal.....its so tiering and have been lack of sleep. Its always like this. you have no time to sleep when the weather is so nice. But you’ll have lots of time to sleep when its very hot ok..
ok good news!!. I can expect better results for my JAVA (I hope)…New teacher... looks ok.. and hopefully he can repair the damage of our class for the whole of last term! And also, heard that hariz and maisarah is also doing java. .having the same problems as me also... YAPHOO!!haha.. no lah… heyy…y not the three of us, plus anyone learning java, sit down and brainstorm. for what?! to get the whole concept of writing java scripts!! yes ..figure out what the concept is. and hopefully once we get the concept, the others will be better... hahhaa... writing blogger scripts is much easier..= )
I’ve been meeting lo0ts of ‘old’ friends lar this few days .. like hariz.. kamal…shaiful... and that day fariza!!that day I saw her! At TP bustop. Its so farny. HAHAHA.. I was in the bus looking at her calmly. she thot it was some guys staring at her and she jelling me! at the first look. But on the second look, she luff like hell… haha,…slenge… anyway guys, i am addicted to TOM & Jerry show on cartoon network... dun luf. even adults watch that ok! I waqtch it like when I am in no mood for anything.. hahah.. spongebob is also cool…. So ppl.. watch it!!
Before I end it.. I have something in my heart to let out…
Relativo stato di quattro mesi ci siamo conosciuti. Abbiamo venuto a contatto di soltanto per tre volte. Suona i ridicules. Ma quello è il fatto e sono felice a questo proposito. Eravate il mio ammiratore. E siete tranquilli. Ma al livello di amicizia. Ma quello è migliore per noi. Poiché ritengo che realmente gli non ho l'impegno per ed inoltre non cronometro. Questa volontà di amicizia dura. Prego per quello giornaliere. questa volontà di amicizia dura. Ho uno scopo per i questi amicizia. ma per per realizzare quello scopo, i blessings dei genitori è necessari ed anche relativo dentro la mano del dio. così lavorare ad allora, attendo per venirlo a contatto in su.
thats all..
i lost my dearest cat yesterday.....MIMI.... at the same age as mine, 18 yrs old. she was with us for 9 years. she had not been eating for the past 4 days, all she did was drink lots of water and sleep. not even meow. its verry sad. she was suppose to go to hospital yesterday, but my mum said that when she reached the hospital, the vet said there is no more heart beab. when i came home yesterday, i saw mimi on the table with her body covered, n my mum in tears. i couldent held my tears back. i sat down and let my feelings overcome me. after magrib, my uncle came over to help us with the burial. at kallang. Mimi, we will always love you.........

YEAH!! finally i get to see perth picturez.. and its all thankx to kak ain for passing the disc to bai in front of me and i kindda 'snatch' from hym.. lolz... hawoohoo.. haha.. ok...wait... there is one pic that they took... verry familiar.. its right smack on the same spot where maisarah took a picture last year ... haha.. exactly the same place.. hahaha.. cool menn.. haha ..ok..
have not been feeling well since last nyte.. stomoc making funny nonsens.. sometimes hungry. sometimes too full.. when i ate nothing?! hrm.. haha... okiez....last wed, had lunch at pizzahut cos muhammad will be leving us.. he wanted to treat us.. but we din feel too gd about it... so we chipped in a bit... haha.. on the wae hm met syaq in the bus. haha.ok my competition classes have officially started! yesterday! haha. so, now lots to learn, lots to practice. and can someone teach me something? how do you take care of your eyes. i'll be in front of my laptop everyday.. almost 8 hours per day. any remedies of what ever?? another thing. i carry my laptop everywhere most of the time. i do not use bagpacks. i use sling bag ans carry it on my left shoulder. its now super hurting. what shall i do?
ok.. finally its up!! 1 whole term with new friends...
here they are

someonewho loves taking candid photo on my notebook!! haha.. my good friend.. we have lots of similarities. as in our way of doing things... an also both of us are in same problems.. haha

Rizwan ~wan~
A great dancer! some kind of FENATIC.hehe. SO caled Abrother to SUE. someone who is like ~anything can~ haha

WidyaFitri ~ wid~
a very KAKAK style of person. Always fair to everyone no matter what they are.

Miss DIVA !!

next up! SUE
a complete minah rugged.. well... 'dont judge a book by its cover' siuts her well
someone who is very quiet but 'diam diam lepu'..
Bazilah ~ ilah~baz~lala
the blind no comments gal.. hahah
he practicaly loves everyone in the class.. lol.. he has lots of mad ideas(reminds me of airpot guide first shift ) ahha
Chrstopher (new but old ~ not my class~ not my school)
Do i know you?! haha.. ok he is not new... we were just saperated!! from p3 ryte? the last tyme we met was when we went for bowling! i still remember... ahha
~~no pictures~~
same name as my brother. but he is kindda guitarist. haha.. the cool boy
even that he now not schooling already, still.. our friendship will last ryte guys?! haha
~SYA~(new but old ~ not my class~not my school)
haha....someone who thot me something new... something that i never had in 17 years of life. someone who made me smile so much( at that time) haha.. thax men!!
but she is qutie bad you know. she stole something from me.. something that no body cannot live without! :)
ahhahaha!! *wink*
and all that is in my clazzy... dun xpect me to write about all 42 of u.. hehehehe
i have been trying to help amed with his laptop using remote software.. but just cant connect! ARGH! irritating... and i found out the problem. the school's internet is restricted! DUMB! haha..
I got new Starhub cable TV! WOHOO! now atleast got some reason to come home.... i guess.. lol. this morning went to the wet maket again.. haha. but went very late. about 9.45am. Y because turn on tv. SENSASI! broadcasting Bawang Merah Bawang Putih. so was stick to it!
GUY GUYS GUYSS... geuss what. i just rememberd that i have to go for a camp tomorrow! haha. and i haven packed anithing. GREAT! the camp is a 3 days 2 night one.. at NACLI. and i don't know where the hell is that. now i need a bag. and what to bring arr? its been years since my last camp.. sianz...
holidays ending SOON!! wooho.. one thing i dont like about holidays. tend to forget studying! its been 5 days i have not touch my books. plus today and another 3 days not at home? plus saturday full day out? another 5 days. WOW!! daring huh? another thing i dont like about holidays is ~money flows out DARN fast~ for example. last wed, i had the best fun ever... i played soccer ok! haha..i went picnic with my friends at SENTOSA beach(pictures on the right). Going out, I took 50 bucks frm coat. when i reached home. there was only 15 bbucks. Don't ask what i do with i. i myself have no idea.
oh yarr... i am yet to introduce my new friends to this blog.. will do so..will do so. mybe after camp.. actaually all is ready.. only some of my friends pictures not up yet. havent seeked permision.. haha. ok now gotta go packing..