Saturday, June 28
I will have to menstion names.. sorry.
want to throw me aside right?! just say so! don't have to act in front of me! The proposal belongs to me. i made a mistake with it. yes i admit. its mine aniway! u kept a copy of it. but looks like you are taking this chance to throw me out! its like everyone in the team has it except me when its MINE! and the best thing is, the proposal's name has changed. Being personalize as yours! ok FINE! FINE!
so this is what i'll do..i will not say anithing about that day!
i'll act as if that i was not with you guys that day.
FYI ~i have never gone out like that before. its all because i wanted to preserve your friendship them that i was there~
Tuesday, June 17
1. World's againts me
2. When its my turn, no one agrees when its the exact thing!
3. Unfairness!! thats the irritating part
4. Favourism on others
5. Someone stole my hapiness away (curse you!)
6. Holidays. but cannot enjoy!
7. Not getting what i NEED! i mean NEED! not want
8. Feeling my self so stupid! Atrocious!
i just got one to talk it out.. can someone lend her/his ears? PLEASE!
Sunday, June 15
WHY! Just tel me why! I don’t understand! Just why must you always cut into my way? You want happiness? Nothing’s wrong with that. But why must you steal mine? Can’t you like go get your own? I am sure you are capable of doing so. What? Just because I have been giving in to you all the time. Just because I always keep quiet, you think I am stupid? Not to realise that I am being taken advantage of? EXCUSE ME! I think the best thing you should do now is get home, sit in your room and do some soul searching! And just to mind you. There is a limit to everything! And this includes the “mr nice” me. What kind of brothers are you all?!
Saturday, June 14
Holidays has juat started... 1 term of school has just ended.. lots to study... lots to catch up with... lots to do...
in just a short short time.. 3 weeks! lol
Btw, lost a bicycle yesterday... lol. my elder brother ride it to my aunt hse.. locked down stairs.. but when he wanted to go back.. it was
lets just take it as: there is a blessing behind it..
ok.. to start the holidays.. lets inviteTOM JONES ~ Love Me Tonight
I know that it's late and I really must leave you alone
But you're too good to hold that I feel such a long way from
Yes I know that our love is too new, But I promise Its going to
be true
Please let me stay and don't you send me away Oh no no
Tell me baby that you need me, say you'll never leave me
Love me tonight
Hold me now my heart is aching, until the dawn is breaking
Love me tonight
Something is burning inside, something that can't be denied
I can't let you out of my sight, darling
Love me tonight
Let me love you baby
Let me love you baby
Baby love me tonight
I've waited so long for the girl of my dreams to appear
And now I can hardly believe that you really are here
Here in my arms you belong, how can this feeling be wrong
Darling be kind for I'm out of my mind over you
Tell me baby that you need me, say you'll never leave me
Love me tonight
Baby now the pain is stronger, I can't wait a moment longer
Love me tonight
Something is burning inside, something that can't be denied
I can't let you out of my sight darling
Love me tonight
Let me love you baby
Let me love you baby
Baby love me tonight
Love me To ni-i-i-i-ght!
Thursday, June 12
finally all the test are over
its bee some time since we take a real examination.. well, that was what happen just now. But not so stressing. Y? mp3 are allowed. COOL… hehe
this morning had MME test.. ok... let me scold this guy
ANSARI!!! you are so stupid!! STUBORN!! you should have just glanced trough the text slides!! its onyi 4 PAGES!!! only 4!! And what is so difficult about doing that! u ARE DARN RIDICULARS ANSARI!!! if only u had glanced trough.. even a bit will be good!!! but u chose to? SKIPED IT!! WAD were you thinking!
Ok. Just because of the text part. I lost 7-12 marks??
Lesson learnt~ DUNN SPOT TOPICS!!!
Ok then went with my friends to airport. Ate at the Recreation Club… well as I expected, the girls(and guys) will be amazed by the ladies powder room… just like Buvan, Adila and Sya.. hehehe. After that headed back to school. CMOS paper. Hrm. Impressive. Everything I studied came out. WELL..its like the teacher gave guidelines. Waddaya expect?
U know guys.. its as if a WHOLE LOAD off my mind when I finished the paper… now I felt its like holidays started..
Headed to suntec city after that with adam. PC show.
1 GB Thumb drives @ 9.90.. any takers?
Yesterday had SC~project meeting.. well it stretched till about 7.30 simply cause the proposal for teachers day is still no up yet. So immediately brain storm and came out a draft to submit to Ms Kawan. This Tuesday gg Zoo! *Finally*
ok... my holidays are taken up. i am not going for SC camp. but will go for BLAZE.hehe
ok.. continue later..
Wednesday, June 11
Conflict Between Adam, An, Chris
this is wad u'll c on all our blogs( but with difren answers)
22 questions on ourself
1) Single, Taken, or Flirty?
2) Are you happy with that?
3) Would you still kiss your ex?
no ex... sorry
4 ) Have you ever had your heart broken?
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
yeaps.. at times.. but then, cheating means cheating.
7) Have you ever talked about marriage?
8) Do you want children?
like..~DUHH! ~
How Many?
10) Would you consider abortion?
11) If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
- if u wish to, tel me. if u don't, den dunn
12) Do you want someone you can't have?
if its worth having, i'll go all the way
13 ) Have you fallen in love?
lets say its a crush...
14) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
yes.. at times
15) Do you believe that you can change for someone?
- i will adjust.. not change
16) Is it a good day today?
yeah!! SC meeting!! ~~ hol
17) Have you ever broken a heart before?
as far as i know, no
18 ) Does your ex still have feelings for you?
~no ex~
19) Do you still have feelings for them?
~no ex~
20)You wish to have a bf/gf for n0w?
21)what now you wish for?
all my wishes to come true
22)if you have bf/gf you really love them?
if i don't love them, y would they be my GF in the first place
Sunday, June 8
i'll strangel her if she does dat
But i tynk ken trust her lah... hhehee.. hope i am right...she will knoe wad
to tell and wad not to tell... so yeah...
went out of house at about 10++ n reached Hougang CC Ard 11.. hahah.. so early.. jemputan starts st oni bout 4.. but since we are like close.. so be there early.. the caterer was preparing food.. then bout 12 the bride(bubu roshan) and her parents and bothers,sisters/in-laws came.. then.. was the mak andam.. who turn out to be Ashika’s mother.. lol…then I went to solat. Wanna knoe where the tempat solat??? Belakang pelamin.. so hafta go up stage.. hahaha …..wel bubu roshan went to change bout 2.30.. n then nikah was at about 3+ .. n now the majlis started.. hehe.. bubu roshan plenned a surprise for her new husben.. wad is it? It was a slideshow of him when he was small till he met bubu roshan.. lol..

Bai Rashisd and Bubu Roshan
now its like 4++ n lots of ppl started coming.. n.. yeah.. finally it’s a meeting of me and all my 57 cuzens.. lol… and as per normal… the kids.. are with me .lol. bubu radiah kept coming to me askin: where’s son/ hahaha… when they are not wifme… n I tell u… Natasha is oni p6 n she is as tall as me.. so now she is forbid to call me MAMU.. but depan mak dier she has to lah.. kang ketok, mampos.. those who about my age… my height… dun care u my cozen or my anak sedare.. call me by my hahah…the thing is .. if I were to like ikot pangkat… aku ader 2 anak sedare who is eder then me… elder then my brother… n u expect then to go ard calling us MAMU?? No way…haha

my family with pengantin. the kid is my anak sedare btw
then came the night.. 10+… the part where I love!!!
No matter who u are..
No matter what u are…
No matter wad u wear…
No matter wad u drive…..
Al the guys (xcept those yang tua-which is the MAMU’s) will start packing the table and chairs… carry them into the lorries.. n the abang sedares wil tease the adek sedares… adek sedare shoot them back… n summore got lagu Hindustan.. sumer buat kerje while ‘dancing’ hahha… WHO CARES MEN!! But I felt abit shy..y cos the kendarats were stil at the majlis when they are already but WAD THE HACK!! This is our tyme… this is our usual practice.. oh ya. Dat reminds me… efa came for the jemputan wearing white baju and black tudong.. which is wad the kendarats wore.. HAHHAHAHA…
Reached home at about 11.. checked mails, mandi, solat isyak… and slept… ok.. today I din go maulid.. to tierd.. 2 weeks never go maulid.. hrm..
Ok now I wanna study.. my aim.. by today mus complete 2 chapters for CMOS n MME!!! Hope I ken get..
oh ya.. to that somebody, u dunn hafta lie to me.. i know it well. u lied to the wrong person... i am not a fool, girl..... i have lots of ppl where i ken get info from.. at least 5.. and they cant be wrong.. everyone say's the same thing except you.. so you tell me? y should i be on your side??? mind you, we'll still be meeting each other.... so u better make up ur mind... n FYI..... no no. i'll tel u someother tyme.
Friday, June 6
Its Friday… wee… finally its here..hahha..i like Friday’s. cos it means I’ll be home by 3 pm n weekend’s here… lol but I cant do much this tyme. In fact from now on…. After Friday prayers, had to go back to skewl.. for meeting.. I am in a competition.. wanna knoe more about it…(LINK) its very tyme consuming cos I must get the best as I may be representing singapore… n its no joke!!... well this competition is also part of my electives. So even if I fail to be qualified in the copm.. I still earn…. And from what I found out.. this elective, not any tom dick or harry can be in.. its intensive and very detailed application.. I should count myself lucky…the teacher said.. we will have to sacrifice a lot of time.. and he even stressed on practicing at home and in school. N to make sure we have enough practice, the softwares will e given to us..n for those with difficulties, they are prepared to lend them a notebook.. dun that sound serious?? But this electives is 95% practical.. so it should be ok for me… pray for me guys. The next thing… I tynk I hafta say good by to social life.. cos on top of this competition, I have my school studies, on top of that, I have student coulcil (sc).. now that is also tyme consuming… and al that needs commitments… hrm.. until November… its gonna be super duper busy… so guys..please… I hoped u all will understand cos I hafta start turnin down some of the outings… I hate to do this but as much as I hated it, I hafta…
well ok.. tummoro’s gonna be a long day. Bubu Roshan is getting married.....And I wont have a chance to study.. so tonite… sleeping late… and will continue on Sunday morning… hopefully after maulid I am not tierd…
oh yarr.. next week is the last week of the term.. lol.. got lots of studies to catch up with.. especially MME ok… n I tynk I am allowing myself to only have like 4-5 days of holidays.. de rest are back to studies… and til today, 2 days are down…
one day.. will be going out with my frenz….
One day… I penn to meet up wif sya n oso use de day so sen all photos…
The other 3 days.. plen to be out of Singapore *evil Lufter*
Ok la.. at least gimmie a break ryte?? Even if I were to go out lepak2..
My laptop will be wif me everywhere I go.. so I might jus get down to studies.. so atleast out of Singapore.. no chance…
So anione want to folo mr go out of Singapore?? BTW.. I heard melaca trip kinda cancelled… lol.. sedih seyy…
Ps: I am falling in love with Virtual PC.. its so good…. I ken do anything. And I mean ANITHING n not worry getting laptop crashed or wadsoeve… its like an imaginary computer…..
Ok ciao beb
Tuesday, June 3
Weii!!! Y do I still see complaints on your blog? Lol.. I change skinn already.. now u sae; an nyer blog kosong giler siak!!! Baik takyah tuka skin”
Gimmie a break lah u.. u knoe how irritating is it rye handling the BODOH in skewl?? N handling my studies at the same tyme.. so blog.. later can….He greeted me first thing in de morning today loh… wad a way to sart de day… hehhe
Ok.. test is coming up.. tumoro CMOS test… hrm…
OS installation; checked
Labsheet 7; cheked
Labsheet 6; cheked
Creating a virtual Disk; Checked
Ok looks like I am ready. Hehhe.. hope it goes on well
On Thursday pulak.. MME.. on sound forge. Both practical and theory…. 4 hours!! One straight go!! Lol.. hope I ken tahan.. heheh..
Then nex week got theary test.. the one I am week at the most… lol…
Hey. Iam still wondering.. how come Sun JAVA like got no test….
Or mybe the test is tru class assignment?? Nonsense men!!!
Fine!! U want java? I will do a javascript. *evil lufter*
Ok… I feel so bad now…. Verry verry bad..and I mean very!!
I did a verrry big sin..
ow god..
wad am I going to do…
oh no!!!